Wednesday, July 31, 2019

8thScience Fall Midterm Review Sheet

Understand the structure of atoms, including masses, electrical charges, and locations of protons, neutrons, and electrons.9790588235297">To find the number of neutrons in an atom, subtract the atomic mass (rounded to the nearest whole number) minus the atomic number (number of protons). Atomic mass= atomic number (protons) + neutronsKnow that protons determine an element’s identity and valence electrons determine its chemical properties, including reactivity.Know the difference between and be able to identify elements and compounds.Be able to compare metals, nonmetals and metalloids. Identify that all organic compounds contain carbon. Interpret the arrangement of the Periodic Table.GROUPeriodKnow that elements within the same group (family) have similar properties.Know the number of valence electrons for groups 1, 2, and 13 – 18.Be able to determine the number of atoms of each element in chemical formulas containing subscripts.Know the evidences of a chem ical reaction . Ex.- color change, bubbles or fizzing, precipitate is formed, new substance is formed, smoke or fire, and unexpected temperature change. The only sure way to know if a chemical change occurred is if a new substance was formed. Recognize whether a chemical equation containing coefficients is balanced or not and how that relates to the law of conservation of mass.The law of conservation of mass states that during a chemical reaction, matter is not created or destroyed.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

College Costs How Much Essay

Growing up, students were taught to get a higher education in order to make a comfortable living for them and their families. Now, those college graduates are crippled with large amounts of debilitating student loans and are unable to start a family of their own. According to the credit bureau TransUnion, the average student loan debt carried by each borrower has risen 30% to $23,829 in the past five years. These graduates should be stimulating the economy by buying cars and houses, but instead they are sending their paychecks to the bank to pay back their enormous loans. The aggregated amount of student debt has soared over the past several years due to so many people deciding to go back to college after being laid off from their jobs, a rapid rise in college tuition, and schools that give out worthless degrees. The New York Times states that in the 1970s, the median wage was 40% higher for college graduates than for those with just a high school diploma; today, the wage premium has risen to about 80%. Although there are options to get a degree quickly, it is not always the best idea. It is concerning that some schools promise a degree in less time, yet charge the same amount as a four year university. The Art Institute is one of the biggest offenders. They offer a three year culinary program that costs close to $100,000 while the graduates only average about $12 per hour after graduation. It is impossible to pay back those types of loans with basically a minimum wage job. Also, possible employers would much rather hire someone who has been studying the subject for four to six years rather than just a few months, so it can be very challenging for those students to find a job. The fact that our country’s student loan debt is currently valued at $1 trillion dollars, while the cost of tuition is rapidly increasing, is the most concerning effect of this crisis. Today, about half of college graduates are either underemployed or do not have a job at all. The tide is not going to turn until the job market improves. One of the problems in the job market is that jobs are not opening up as quickly as they should because people are pushing back retirement to help pay for their children’s loans. Students fresh out of college are putting off getting married and starting families because they do not have the secure job future they were promised would come with their college degree. Families have also decreased in size because parents are not able to afford as many children. Public schools are overflowing with students because the alternative private schools are just too expensive. This debilitating debt could cause the millennials, people aged 18 to 34, to be one of the first generations in America to not make a better living than their parents did. It is not ethical to force such a large amount of debt on an 18-year-old who has never even had a credit card before. Too many schools use students as pawns to make thousands of dollars than actually helping them succeed and become a member of a functioning society. The student loan debt problem is going to continue to rise dramatically unless we stop the problem where it started- the greedy universities and â€Å"for-profit† schools. Our government needs to make laws and restrictions based on how much a school can charge for tuition. Because filing for bankruptcy with student loans is impossible, the schools continue to raise the cost of tuition knowing that they will most likely get their money in the end. Now, we have schools charging ridiculous amounts for a mediocre degree while the average graduate makes about $12 an hour. There is no way in the world that graduate would be able to pay off those gargantuan student loans without having more than one job. Tuition should be a percentage of the average income of an employer with that degree so that it is possible to pay back in a reasonable amount of time. If schools went back to offering a great education for an affordable price our country would have a much easier time fixing our limping economy.

Greatest Place on Earth Essay

I believe the Greatest Place on Earth is Greenville Tennessee. The time that me and my family spend there are magical. I call Greenville Tennessee the Greatest Place on Earth because of the times and the memories that has been spent and made there. The country roads are so peaceful and clean, the air is fresh and the people are super nice. There are so many things there to do and most of the things that we have found are free. There is the beautiful waterfall that is so peaceful to take the kids to play while you sit by and read a book and drift away into what I call the fantasy world. The kids will play for hours in the falls a beautiful place where my family and I love to take pictures and capture the moments of our lives. Where the waterfall has crystal clear water and the sounds from it is so peaceful and relaxing my family always chose to go to the waterfall for those very reasons. There is also a place where there is small sandy beach better known as the kids own mini personal beach where they enjoy the hot summer days of swimming, building sand castles, and playing beach volleyball with the rest of the family. The family sits back and lets the children enjoy the sun and sand while they relax in the sun with a book or listen to music as memories are made once again. The children all feel special because the small sandy beach is what they like to call their very own. Then there is what we all call outlook landing it’s an intense hike up a mountain side in the woods that will leave to tired and sweating, but well worth the hike. Once getting to the top all the stress that the world throws your way leaves and the sight is the most beautiful thing that my eyes have ever saw. The mountain is such a beautiful sight being able to see for miles and miles around, with the big rocks to set on and look out over the mountain you are able to see the three surrounding states. Packing drinking supplies and food to cook while on the mountain we set under the shelter and enjoy the view as the sun is about to set . Every season is different the fall the leaves are starting to turn beautiful shades or orange, yellow, and red the climate is starting to change as the days are getting cooler. When in the summer months the sun is bright, the birds chirp, the sound of traffic is never heard, the cars and trucks on the tiny road ways look like ants. Spring time the flowers are blooming, leaves are growing back, animals are starting to come alive, the weather is starting to warm and view is amazing while all the beautiful things are growing. Outlook Mountain is one of the places where my family and I enjoy spending time while visiting the greatest place on earth. While staying in Greenville Tennessee my family and I also spend time at a private family owned fishing lake. When spending a day at the lake the whole family gets together and sits back to fish and talks about the memories make at the lake. Nothing is better than making a fire and letting the kids chose their own sticks to make their roasted hotdogs and marshmallows for their homemade smores. The children are having the best day catching fish and taking pictures so that they are able to show how well they did on their fishing trip that day. With a fun filled day the children have dirty hands and faces to prove their great time at the lake. As the day slowly starts to end the family starts to pack up all the fishing gear to rest up for another fun filled day in the morning. Greenville Tennessee is the Greatest Place on Earth because there are so many things that we as a family love to do. When our family takes a trip to the Greatest Place on Earth we never know what the next day will have in store for us. Maybe it’s taking a trip to Dollywood, Cherokee, a day of shopping the waterfall, outlook mountain, or the fishing lake my family and I always knows that when heading to Greenville Every trip that my family and I make to Tennessee is always filled with fun and memories are always make. As our trip is near the end, we look forward to the next time that we get to visit Greenville Tennessee for more family fun. That is why Greenville Tennessee is the Greatest Place on Earth.

Monday, July 29, 2019

History and Philosophy of Education - Experiential Learning and Essay

History and Philosophy of Education - Experiential Learning and Marketisation of Education - Essay Example In Experiential learning, the question is, does it require the guidance of a practioner in order for learning to take place. Practioners are always necessary in any process of learning, and experiential learning is not an exception. To acquire newknowledge from experience, an individual has to have problem solving skills which willenable him/ herto make decisions. This aspect is essential toenable a studentto apply skillsgained through theexperience undergone while learning (Maxwell, 2011).Experience as an issue in experiential learning is not the main factor thata student can acquire knowledge from. A student might pass through natural processes that might instill knowledge in him. Howeverwithout a guide given, such knowledge will not be helpful to him/ her since with time, skills accumulated, student will not be put into use (Palmer and Cooper, 2003). To Aristotle, passing through an experience, acquiring skills and being unable to implement is not the objective of education. Since by learning, a student has to be able to apply skills gained in real life situations and challenges (Curren, 2000). The applicative part of skill acquisition is the problem and for a student to be able to implement a skill he/she needs guidanceand this normally comes from the practitioners.The idea of learning through experience has a long historical perspective and it isJohn Deweywho proposed it. Dewey (1998) states experience is an integral part of learning; however practitionersalso play an important rolethat is to ensurestudents are able to apply knowledge gained from an experiencein different perspectives of their lives. This notion of Dewey, clearly agrees with my views of experimentation as an aspect of experiential learning. It is necessary for practitioners to introduce thecurriculum whenstudents are taken to the outdoorlearningwith supervision from educators, as it would allow students to learnfrom a series of adventures where real life examples. Another aspect from Dewey (1998)involves the issue of reflection, where student must engage actively in the activity took place and toreflect on the experience later to grasp the new ideas instilled. Based on this, experiential leaning involves experience and reflection and therefore knowledge and skills are gained through various circumstances, an individual passes through which determines the nature of skills attained and only after effective reflection guided by a practitioner.Reflection involves paying attention to the ideas leant and thus consolidating them. Reflection as an issue of experiential learning is not beneficial without supervision. There are many aspects of reflective tendencies during the process of experiential learning. However, it has some drawback (Palmer and Cooper, 2003); student will not think deeper into the meaning of the experience passed as he/shemight take it as play attained. Also it might involvelack of concentration from the student. According to Kolb, learning is a multidime nsional process (Palmer and Cooper, 2003) and it involvesfour stages that are toexperience, observe, reflect and experiment. Kolb advocates for supervision of a learner during the process of reflection. After a period of time, learning will have taken place as students had gained an educative experience with useful guides given from

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fr Trd or Fir Trd Wht's th diffrnc Issus surrounding th WTO r mny nd Essay

Fr Trd or Fir Trd Wht's th diffrnc Issus surrounding th WTO r mny nd complx - Essay Example Undr CFT, mor thn 80% of U.S. consumr nd industril xports nd ovr hlf of U.S. frm xports to Cntrl mric would bcom duty-fr immditly. To ddrss unvn dvlopmnt nd trnsition issus, CFT spcifis ruls for lngthy triff phs-out schduls s wll s trnsitionl sfgurds nd triff rt quots (TRQs) for snsitiv goods. lthough mny goods would ttin immdit duty-fr trtmnt, othrs would hv triffs phsd out incrmntlly so tht duty-fr trtmnt is rchd in 5, 10, 15, or 20 yrs from th tim th grmnt tks ffct. Duty-fr trtmnt would b dlyd for th mor snsitiv products, nd in som css, th triff rductions would not bgin until 7 or 12 yrs into th grmnt. CFT is controvrsil nd fcs politicl uncrtinty. Supportrs hop tht CFT cn b prt of policy foundtion supportiv of both improvd intrrgionl trd nd long-trm socil, politicl, nd conomic dvlopmnt. Concrns rmin, howvr, ovr th ngtiv ffcts on crtin sctors nd mploys of th U.S. conomy, nd tht blncd outcom my b difficult to chiv if th FT fils to ccommodt sufficintly th djustmnt costs lso fcing crtin Cntrl mricn workrs, smll frmrs, nd othr groups. Th history som CFT countris hv of poor lbor rights nforcmnt riss qustions ovr whthr th lbor provisions will dqutly promot socil dvlopmnt. For ll CFT countris, th constntly incrsing US forign dirct invstmnt nd ccss to US tchnology combind with th incrsd duty fr ccss to th US mrkt rprsnt significnt bnfits. Morovr, th psychologicl ffct of th grmnt will ncourg mor ntrprnurship nd grtr job crtion in Cntrl mric nd th Dominicn Rpublic, which r ssntil to crting sustinbl dvlopmnt. Nvrthlss, CFT firms will fc strongr comptition from US firms undr th grmnt. Opponnts of CFT rgu tht only th wlthy lits of Cntrl mric nd th Dominicn Rpublic will bnfit from th grmnt, nd tht it will hv n unfvorbl impct on workrs, smll businsss, frmrs nd th nvironmnt. Thy furthr disdvntg of CFT tht th nt rsult of CFT will b n vn widr gp btwn th rich nd poor in ths dvloping countris. This disprity in conomic powr nd th rsulting conomic injustic hs bn th root cus of th politicl instbility tht hs inundtd ths countris historiclly. dding up ll trd bnfits, th Bush dministrtion rgud to Congrss tht CFT would offr support for strngthning dmocrcy in countris tht hv continuously struggld with stringnt intrnl politicl conflicts nd rgionl conflicts in th rcnt pst. To tk full dvntg of ths bnfits, nw World Bnk rport dviss countris to commnc complmntry invstmnts nd rforms to nhnc th grmnt's growth impct nd gurnt bnfits for ll. "Grtr trd opportunitis r ssntil to improving living stndrds in dvloping countris," sid World Bnk Prsidnt Pul Wolfowitz. Th grtr trd lvls will ris from th rmovl of virtully ll triff nd quot brrirs, consolidting th privilgd mrkt ccss Cntrl mric lrdy hs in U.S. mrkts through th Cribbn Bsin Inititiv. CFT should lso intnsify rgionl intgrtion mong th Cntrl mricn ntions thmslvs nd ncourg grtr lvls of forign invstmnt. It's importnt to rcogniz tht conomic growth is rsult of production, not consumption. Thus th logic of th "trd s forign id" rgumnt dictts tht CFT is intndd to promot th importtion of goods from Cntrl mric, rthr thn th xport of U.S. goods to th rgion. Th qustion wthr th Unitd Sttd of mric will bnfit from this multiltrl grmnt stys opn, but thr r som nsws tht cn bring you closr to undrstnding wht popl nticipt from this grmnt. Mny popl in th Unitd Stts r suspicious of fr trd grmnts. Thy r concrnd bout losing thir jobs bcus of imports

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Customer Inserts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Customer Inserts - Research Paper Example The extensive use of this therapy is also a subject of focus within this paper. The paper also tries to categorize this therapy in terms of set models of classifications for treatment of mental illnesses. The various aspects of the therapy which require improvements are covered within the context of the paper. Introduction Schizophrenia can be identified as a chronic mental illness which is characterized by the inability to process thoughts. Individuals suffering from this condition experience various symptoms. These symptoms may include paranoia as a result of mental instability (American Psychiatric Association, 2000 ). The individual gets the impression that others are conspiring against him/her and thus paranoia begins. Other symptoms may include hallucinations, disorganized speech and delusions. Hallucinations come as a result of the individual hearing voices which do not exist. This condition has been associated with a number of factors. Though there exists a small percentage l inked to genetic factors, the condition is immensely associated with substance abuse. The most common drugs associated with this condition include are cannabis and cocaine. Environmental factors like social groups can also be linked to the development of the condition to a small extent. Most of the environmental factors associated though, seem to lead to substance abuse. It is therefore not clear whether there is a direct connection between the environmental factors and schizophrenia. There exist numerous medications which have been used to treat schizophrenia. Being a mental condition, the treatment targets the developed symptoms as there are no viruses or infectious pathogens. The most effective, known methods have been application of first and second generation antipsychotic. These are aimed at getting the individual away from the causative agent. There exist numerous interventions employed commonly in the treatment of this condition. These include cognitive behavioral therapy, s ubstance abuse treatment, family member education, assertive community treatment, training in social skills among others. All these interventions aim at reducing the symptoms displayed by an individual. The intervention Cognitive behavioral therapy is a reality based intervention employed to help people with schizophrenia. It has been extensively used in many cases where symptoms associated with schizophrenia become evident. The king’s college in London developed this intervention. Numerous studies and researches have been undertaken in different parts of the world aiming at providing more information concerning the application of this reality based intervention (Berrios, 1994). This therapy aims at improving cognitive abilities which become drastically reduced by schizophrenia. It targets at restoring the cognitive abilities of an individual suffering from schizophrenia. Supported employment has been profoundly used in the treatment of individuals showing severe symptoms of schizophrenia. Supported employment is part of the cognitive behavioral therapy administered for the treatment of severe mental conditions. Through the use of supported employment, the people with mental illnesses like schizophrenia have been able to maintain competitive employment. The method employed in this study for collecting information was to use individuals with a severe mental condition. Some of the individuals chosen also had to have a history of job failures. They were

Friday, July 26, 2019

Supply Chain Visual Representation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Supply Chain Visual Representation - Essay Example This informed the decision by the company to relocate the warehouses closer to customers and retailers. Riordan Manufacturing is a worldwide plastic manufacturer owed by the Riordan Manufacturing industries. The Riordan Manufacturing Company has its headquarters in San Jose and this is where the development and research activities of the company are conducted (Baihaqi, 2009). This paper presents a visual representation of the operations of Riordan Manufacturing Company and relates its operations to the knowledge of supply chain operations. Notably, this company has focus in operations is through research, development and the patenting of plastic potentials. The main function of the company is to supply plastic products to various manufacturing companies such as beverage bottlers, aircraft manufacturers, and automotive manufacturers among others (Baihaqi, 2009). The function of Riordan is to provide plastic supply to the manufacturers that depend on this company for raw materials According to Fawcett et al (2007), a good business involves a positive interaction between the customer and the supplier. For Riordan manufacturers they have managed to maintain a long-term relationship with clients as they always provide quality goods since they have a system that has embraced technology and innovation (Baihaqi, 2009). For efficiency of these processes of supplying other manufacturers with raw materials a beneficial relationship must exists between the supplier and the clients (Fawcett, 2007)The maintenance of a supply chain that is beneficial to cost efficiency has enables the company to maintain a good relation with clients With the main headquarters at San Jose, this company has also other operational branches at Hang Zhou China, Georgia, and Michigan (Baihaqi, 2009). These plants add efficiency to the supply chain to clients over the world by reducing the supply cost by cutting on the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Great depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The Great depression - Essay Example People were still withdrawing money from banks which compelled other banks to close. This resulted in closing industry because capital was either with stock exchange or banks. Closure of business and industry left many people jobless. These homes were made of newspaper and cardboards (Watkins 46). Dust storm was named dust bawl that affected farmers and they were unable to feed themselves. Drought eliminated grass from the planes. Depression affected millions of people in America and they could not find jobs. Shantytown was housing made for people who could not afford house. It was free so many people moved to shantytown (McElvaine 34). Depression occurred during rule of president Hoover and he was made responsible by people for great depression in America. Roosevelt won the presidential elections of 1932 and became president of America. He brought major shift in policies to get the country out of immense crisis (Watkins 69). People had many expectations from Roosevelt and he introduced certain reforms to overcome depression. Banks were asked to reopen once they overcome the financial crisis. The policies and programs introduced by Roosevelt were known as the â€Å"New Deal†. These programs helped farmers including other programs like Agricultural Adjustment Administration and Works Progress Administration. People were hired for different projects for reducing unemployment (Watkins 73). After success of these programs, Roosevelt became hero and got fame in the masses. Roosevelt considered his efforts very important for ending great depression. However, it is still not clear that how much New Deal contributed towards ending great depression in America. Some ease was brought by the â€Å"New Deal† but economy was still struggling for revival by end of 1930s. Second World War was a turning point for American economy (McElvaine 51). Especially, the attack on Pearl Harbor and entering of country in World

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

To Pledge or not to Pledge Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

To Pledge or not to Pledge - Research Paper Example According to Nelson (2012), the enduring significance of the Nightingale Pledge may be attributed to the legacy of the first nursing icon, Florence Nightingale, in her unwavering dedication to cater the needs of the sick and needy, particularly during difficult times, such as war, famine, disease, and natural calamities (pp. 10-11). Considering the eminent influence of the Nightingale Pledge on a nurse’s life, this paper attempts to uncover the underlying historical significance of the said pledge. Further, this paper also attempts to study the various contexts of the Pledge, especially its functions, purpose, ethical significance, limitations, and criticisms. Historical Role As a profession, nursing is deeply rooted in the society due to its outward protection of the rights of humans, particularly in their rights to life and well-being. In fact, Fagermoen (2005) states that the philosophical foundations of nursing are based on the principles of Humanism wherein nurses, even i n their early not standardized practice, aim to protect, serve, and preserve human life (p. 157). Florence Nightingale embodies those humanistic values in her devotion to tend the wounded soldiers of the Crimean War, and, while alleviating the physical conditions of the soldiers, she also attempts to advance the care systems and psychosocial environment of hospitals so as to make those more conducive to a faster healing process (Fagermoen, 2005, p. 157). During her tenure as a military nurse, she wrote a series of nursing books and notes outlining the basic responsibilities and duties of a nurse, which, in later years, became the theoretical and practical foundations of professional nursing (Kim, 2005, p. 1). The life and works of Florence Nightingale gave birth to the nursing profession, a profession that overcomes barriers of time, place, culture, and religion. For instance, although her works influenced the nursing profession, Florence Nightingale was not the one who wrote the Ni ghtingale Pledge; instead, the pledge was authored by Lystra Gretter, an American nurse (â€Å"The Nightingale Pledge,† n.d.). The pledge was first professed by the 1893 nursing graduates of Detroit’s Harper’s Hospital. Nightingale’s legacy even reached in Japan during the outbreak of the war in 1945 wherein a head nurse in Hiroshima Army Red Cross initiated the recitation of the Nightingale Pledge to restore calm and order in the panic-stricken hospital due to the defeat and surrender of the Japanese militia. Nursing stories around the world relate to the Nightingale Pledge wherein most, if not all, nurses find self-satisfaction in their work through saving the lives of others. Function and Purpose In analyzing the Nightingale Pledge, one can infer that the pledge functions as an ethical guide for nurses in their professional practice while it also aims to indicate the roles, obligations, and limitations of being a nurse. For instance, although the Night ingale Pledge undergoes several legislative revisions and amendments due to socio-cultural concerns, the revised and amended versions of the pledge still maintains the universal nursing standard of conduct, which includes professionalism (â€Å"The Code of Ethics,† 2010, p. xiv). For instance, some of the revisions include the ANA 1950 Code and the 1976 Code; each of which outlines the recommended nurse-patient relationship, which is primarily on a professional level. For instance, the prevailing idea of the revised editions delves on a

Allopatric Speciation Is The Only Mechanism By Which New Species Arise Essay

Allopatric Speciation Is The Only Mechanism By Which New Species Arise - Essay Example Species: is defined by Mayr (1942, 1963) as quoted in Cowlishaw; Dunbar (2000: p.13), as a population of individuals capable of interbreeding, that is producing fertile offspring. According to Magurran et al (1999: p.2), Species is considered to be groups of populations reproductively isolated from other such groups by â€Å"isolating mechanisms†- genetically based traits that prevent gene exchange. Speciation: Brigatti; Martins and Roditi (2007: p.378) define Speciation as the process of the generation of two reproductively isolated populations, after which gene flow between the different taxa is absent in any form. That is, new species which are not capable of reproduction with each other are created as a result of speciation. According to the view of Evolutionary Biology, the creation of a new species comes about primarily through variation, the creation of mutants. These mutants might replace the parent species or live in a separate landscape, either way enhancing the competitive environment through a variety of phenotypes. The key to speciation lies in the elimination of inviable or maladaptive phenotypes, mutants of companies that are less successful (Dekkers, 2005: p.144). All populations of a species share a unique common ancestor and a gene pool. They can interbreed and produce fertile offspring under natural conditions. If and when gene flow between them stops, reproductive isolating mechanisms typically evolve. This is because, mutation, natural selection and genetic drift operate independently in each population. Such divergence may give rise to a new species (Starr; Evers, 2006: p.283). Mass extinctions, slow recoveries, and adaptive radiations are major macroevolutionary patterns. (Cowlishaw; Dunbar 2000: p.22) state that speciation in some groups has been dependent upon ecological release following the extinction of ecologically dominant species. Allopatric Speciation: Allopatric Speciation occurs when a geographical barrier cuts off

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rhetorical analysis. Tips of Lowering Medical Bills by Alice Park Essay

Rhetorical analysis. Tips of Lowering Medical Bills by Alice Park - Essay Example As such, Park emphasizes on the importance of managing medical bills and more so, conveys possible tips to enable Americans lower their medical bills. In fact, Park adopts a sentimental tone in order to advice her readers on the need to adopt these tips and save more. In addition, statistics, testimony, appeal and comparison are other notable techniques that park has employed in the essay. This paper explores a brief rhetorical analysis of an article, Tips of Lowering Medical Bills written by Alice Park. Notably, Park proposes several tips both at the emergency room and after receiving the bill. At the emergency room, request to be attended to by a doctor who participates in your insurance plan, again, ask for all lab tests that the hospital is sending outside to be sent to facilities that operates under your insurance plan. Similarly, ask about the tests ordered by doctor or nurse and if they are expensive, refer the tests to a facility that operates under your insurance plan (Park Web). After receiving the bill, ask for itemized bill that clearly show all the charges. Secondly, ask for an explanation from the hospital’s billing department for any disputed charges. In addition, make sure that the room charges starts from the day of your admission and are charged by its level (Park Web), and lastly, be keen on other additional charges. People also have the right to consult Medical-billing advocates if they don’t understand the bill presented to them by the hospital. The essays starts with a sensitive statistic retrieved from a research done by Medical Billing Advocates of America clearly indicates that â€Å"Americans spend nearly $7,000 per capita on health care every year†(Park Web). This is a good proof that most Americans experience a lot of challenges when it comes to settling down their medical bill. Park’s main subject in the essay was to address the issues affecting Americans health and trying to come up with possible solutio ns to the problems like employing certain ways to save more and lower their medical bills. The use of statistics above is one of the techniques Park has used to capture the attention of the readers. It lays a foundation of the essay since the reader will be interested in knowing why such huge amount of money is spend in healthcare services only. Park has also used testimony as one of the techniques to make her ideas more understandable. She has brought in the statement raised by one Kevin Flynn, the president of Medical Associations, who argues that while in the hospital, the patient should only worry about getting better first then financial issues, settling the medical bill to come last. Again, at the end of the essay, Park refers to the statements made by Palmer â€Å"But there are things that a patient is going to know that an advocate†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Park Web).To enable her convince the readers that their participation in lowering their medical bill is required. This is a good example to conclude that park acknowledged other people’s ideas when writing the essay. Another technique that Park uses very sentimental tone in her quest of convincing American patients that high medical bill they are experiencing can be reduced if they adopt certain tips and with the help of interested parties like Medical-billing Advocates of America. Medical billing Advocates, being the health care world’s equivalent of tax-refund specialists(Park Web), has saved most of the Americans by establishing various ways that Americans can use to enable them manipulate their huge spending on their medication. The tone used overall in the entire essay is appealing, persuasive and appealing. Appeal is also another

Monday, July 22, 2019

Community Within Maycomb Essay Example for Free

Community Within Maycomb Essay So often in a society we are misled at the actual courageous and uncourageous acts that are done amongst a society. Most of the time it is usually because we have our own perception that a society is emulated from the way someone may act or the lineage and community in which some are born into. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee shows the strengths and weaknesses of a community through the white community, black community, and lastly the community within a family. Though there is much strength in a White community, like holding their values high, there are also weaknesses like being racist toward the â€Å"Blacks. For instance Jem points out a weakness in the White community when he tells Scout, â€Å"They’re real sad†¦ They don’t belong anywhere. Colored folks won’t have ‘em because they’re half white; white folks won’t have ‘em cause they’re colored, so they’re just in-between, don’t belong anywhere. † Back during the 1930’s interracial marriage was unheard of and if it was it was thought of as impure or inadequate therefore disregarded. Experts Joyce Moss and Gorge Wilson say, â€Å"†¦ Racial relations where complicated by various restrictions in the 1930’s. Breaking the taboo against sexual intercourse between a black man and a white woman was considered by most whites and some blacks†¦ most serious offence. This kind of miscegenation would ‘taint’ racial purity. † This then re-states the negativity of racism during the time of Maycomb in the White community. Despite of Macomb’s racist perspectives they also share very important morals between their communities. Atticus Finch shares with Scout,† you never really understand a person until you consider things from his [or her] point of view ntil you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it. †(Chapter 3) This excerpt shows how high Atticus being from the White community, keeps his standards and beliefs held high so that he may be looked up as Macomb’s role model. In conclusion this states, though Maycomb may struggle with some things that still to this very day affect us as a community, Maycomb is also showing how it is to be keeping their morals in mind. From the outside looking in it may seem as though the Black community has no strength despite the fact there is. During the time period the Blacks had no problem with helping one another. If one didn’t know the other one knew and they assisted one another. During church scout asks â€Å"How we gonna sing [the songs] if their aint any hymn books? † â€Å"[Zebo cleared his throat and read in a voice ]. We tend to always focus on the main idea but this tiny detail helps the Blacks unite with each other because they are able to participate in activities like sing in church by just being able to work with each other to read the hymnal and be a religious community. Scout being from the White community she doesn’t understand the ways of the â€Å"blacks† and how they choose to be one. KJ The book girl states, â€Å"The black community as a whole is a very close congregation, as it has to be to survive the harsh treatment by the white community†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Because the Blacks have been kind of segregated by the White community, it has taught them to become and be closer. In difference to the negative conversations that go on in the Black community as well. You aint got no business bringin white chillun here—they got their church, we got ourn. It is our church, aint it, Miss Cal? † said Lula. This is the first time Jem and Scout experience direct racism which is usually never heard of because they are white. This makes them in a real uncomfortable position in which they have never been. The weakness in the Black community is they are racist back and don’t want to make a difference well most of them anyway. Even though Lula is from the black community she is prejudice towards the whites. This is a weakness in the black community though they help one another they don’t realize how to be the bigger person in the sense of acting with dignity and not stooping and lowering you self to discriminate against different raced people. There are much strength as well as many weaknesses within the kinship of a Family community. Atticus instills within his kids that, â€Å"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway. † A Review of General Semantics says that,† Atticus agrees to defend a black man named Tom Robinson who has been accused of [a heinous crime] raping Mayella Ewell a white woman. During the trial, Atticus provides sufficient evidence†¦ if fact provides that Mayella’s father Bob[Ewell] is responsible for marks on her face†¦ however the all-white jury convicts Tom[Robinson] away†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Action speaks louder than words have always been the saying for a society especially when parents say it. Atticus is teaching his kids the moral of standing up for what is right and to have full courage when doing so. He defends Tom Robinson to not only prove that this man has done nothing wrong but also to teach his kids the moral of standing up for what you believe in and having courage to do so is far more meaning full than feeling powerful verse feeling courageous for doing the right thing. In contrast to the benefits of a positive family community. In contrast to a positive family environment Robert also know as Bob Ewell, is determined to have a black man imprisoned for a crime that he has not committed. Atticus, while on the trial with Mayella Ewell Atticus asks her, â€Å"Why don’t you tell the truth, child, didn’t Bob Ewell beat you up? † Bob Ewell being a horrifying father has done a crime that if people knew what he has done the community would probably never speak to or even regard him again. He has raped and beaten his own flesh and blood. The inhumanity that he possesses within his family as the head of the house hold is unfathomable.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Diabetes Mellitus in the emergency services

Diabetes Mellitus in the emergency services Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common medical issues affecting people today. There are two types of diabetes. The first is type one, it is often referred to as juvenile diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes. Patients with this type of diabetes are often diagnosed with the disorder early in life but in rare occasions it can be diagnosed as late as forty years of age. People with type one diabetes make up between ten and twenty percent of all diabetics. Men are also more common to be diagnosed with type one diabetes. While it is not fully known why people develop diabetes it is know that it is a genetic disorder and can be passed down from generation to generation. People with siblings with this disorder increase there chance of developing type one diabetes by six percent. The reason it is often called insulin dependent diabetes is because the body does not form any insulin from the beta cells of the pancreas, so there for the patient need to take daily insulin shots to keep the ir blood sugar low. Type two diabetes is often referred to as adult onset diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes and make up the remaining eighty to ninety percent of diabetics. Patients with this form of the disorder often do have some type of insulin production by the beta cells in the pancreas but just do not produce enough to maintain in their body. Also in some cases the patients develops a type of insulin resistance where their body does not use the insulin that in naturally produced by their body correctly or efficiently. In most cases this type of diabetes can be controlled by a strict diet or use of oral medications. The diet of a patient with type two diabetes often includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Patients with type two diabetes what to avoid high amounts of sugars, trans-fats and sodium. When a patient eats large amounts of calories and fat, their body then causes a spike in their blood glucose level. Type two diabetes can sometim es also be reversed with exercise to lose excess weight. People with family members with type two diabetes have a ten to fifteen percent increased risk of developing this disorder. Two types of issues arise with diabetes. Sometimes the patients blood glucose level is too high and sometimes it is too high. When it is too low it is call hypoglycemia. A patient is usually determined to be suffering from hypoglycemia when their blood glucose level is below 60mg/dL. When the body is in a state of hypoglycemia the body automatically slows insulin production and increases glucagon production by alpha cells. Often times hypoglycemia in both type one and type to diabetics is due to over medication of injected insulin. It can also be caused by exercise, malnutrition and alcohol consumption. Over time the pancreases ability to produce glucagon is sometimes decreased making it harder to raise blood glucose levels during hypoglycemia. When a patient has a high blood glucose level it is called hyperglycemia. A patient is usually considered hyperglycemic if their blood glucose level is above 300 mg/dL. Hyperglycemia occurs because the body is unable to produce insulin to prom ote uptake of glucose from the cells. There are two sub-types of hyperglycemia. The first is diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA. This type of hyperglycemia is most often found in patients with type one diabetes because DKA occurs when there is little or no insulin in the body causing the blood glucose level to soar. It can be caused by untreated type one diabetes or excess glycogen production due to stress. Patients in DKA often present with a blood glucose level above 350mg/dL. Due to the lack of insulin the body then uses fats as metabolic fuels and ketoacidosis is developed. The other type of hyperglycemia is called hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma. This occurs most often in patients with type two diabetes. Because patients with type two diabetes still produce some insulin, unlike in DKA the body is still able to move sugar into the cells and not have to use the fatty tissue from the body. Patients experiencing hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma usually have blood glu cose levels of 600 and above. Diabetes has a large impact on pre hospital emergency medicine because often when people are having hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic emergencies paramedics are the first to treat these patients. Sometimes when paramedics are dispatched to these calls the caller may not know what is exactly wrong with the patient. Patients in a hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic crisis may present in a variety of ways. The key with these kinds of patients is to keep a high index of suspicion. Like previously stated patients having diabetic issues may present in a variety of ways. Patients suffering from hypoglycemia will often present with hunger, nausea and weakness. Due to poor cardiac output of the body the patient will often present with a rapid and weak pulse. The patient will also present with seizures or small twitches. Lastly the most common symptom is altered mental status. The patient can present in total unconsciousness, drowsiness, confusion or even aggravated and violent. Change in mental status usually comes with a quick onset because once the body is insulin deprived the brain is the first body structure to suffer because the brain uses glucose as an energy source. When the patient present with the altered mental status it can mimic many other conditions. The patient can look as if he or she is intoxicated because of their lack of coordination and aggravated attitude. They are sometimes so combative that it may be difficult to effectively assess them. Hypog lycemia can also mimic a stroke. Due to its effect on the nervous system the patient may present with weakness on one side for no apparent reason. Lastly the patient may present like a person experiencing epileptic seizures. The seizures are also a result of the brains lack of glucose. These seizures can be all types; they can be full body grand maul seizures or partial seizures that only affect certain parts of the body. It is very important that paramedics indentify that these symptoms are underlying symptoms of hypoglycemia and treat the true problem correctly. Patients who are experiencing hyperglycemia have some similar symptoms to hypoglycemia but also distinguishing symptoms that are different. One of the distinguishing groups of symptoms is the polys. These symptoms include polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia. Polyuria is defined as excess urination, polydipsia is extreme thirst and lastly polyphagia is the feeling of extreme hunger. Like patients experiencing hypoglycemia these patients will present with tachycardia and altered LOC. One symptom that is specific to DKA is kussmaul respirations with fruity smell to their breath. This type of breathing is when the patient had rapid and deep respirations. The reason for this is because the body is breaking down fats due to the lack of insulin the body enters into a state of metabolic acidosis. The deep respirations is the bodys way to blow off carbon dioxide to make the body more alkolidic and return the bodys pH level to normal. The patient will also present with a fruity smell on their breath when experiencing DKA. This is due to the ketones being broken down in the body. HHNCs only distinguishing factor is the lack of kussmaul respirations and the fruity breath odor. Many social and ethical issue can and do arise when treating patients with this condition. One social issue is that this problem occurs quite often with homeless and improvised persons. This is because they are often not able to get the proper medications and also not eat proper meals to keep their blood sugar at a normal level. Also these types of patients are sometimes known to drink alcohol and skip out on meals. The combination of malnutrition and alcohol consumption will cause diabetes to worsen significantly. One social and ethical issue is seeing through the symptoms that sometimes indicate other medical problems and determining that the patient is suffering from a diabetic emergency. Patients sometimes present identically to how a person who is severely intoxicated would. These patients can often be rude and violent. It could be very easy to mistake a hypoglycemic patient with an intoxicated individual and have the police transport them to the jail without ever obtaining a BG L check to determine the true problem. This mistake could cause the patient further internally injury and even death. The key with these types of patients is to keep a high index of suspicion. Lastly a common ethical issue is when to let these types of patients refuse care. Often times EMS will arrive and treat the patients symptoms and bring them back to their normal state of consciousness. For many patients it is not the first time the rescue squad has had to respond to their home to reverse their hypoglycemia and do not see a need to go the hospital. The paramedic should try to convince the patient that they should go to the hospital and explain to them the risks of refusing care, but if they still refuse and are alert and oriented the paramedic needs to respect their decision to refuse care and document the event accordingly. One positive thing about encountering a patient with hypoglycemia prehospitaly is that this issue is usually easily reversed. When treating hypoglycemia you want to first asses the patients Airway, breathing and circulation. Patients in hypoglycemia may have decreased respirations so assisting ventilation with a BMV may be necessary. If the patient is breathing at a normal rate they should have oxygen administer to them via a nasal canula or non-rebreather to combat hypoxia. Once ABCs are taken care a blood glucose reading needs to be obtained from the patients finger to confirm that the patient is indeed experiencing hypoglycemia. If the patients BGL is below 60mg/dL first consider 15-30g of oral glucose to be administered only if the patient is conscious and is able to swallow. If IV access can be obtained then 25g of D50 should be administered via IV or IO. If IV access cannot be obtained 1mg of glucagon should be administered IM. The patient should also be hooked up to cardiac mo nitor to rule out cardiac dysrhythmias. In the case of a patient experiencing hyperglycemia first asses the patients Airway, breathing and circulation. Patients in hyperglycemia may have decreased respirations so assisting ventilation with a BMV may be necessary. If the patient is breathing at a normal rate they should have oxygen administer to them via a nasal canula or non-rebreather to combat hypoxia. Once ABCs are taken care a blood glucose reading needs to be obtained from the patients finger to confirm that the patient is indeed experiencing hyperglycemia. If the patient is found to be experiencing hyperglycemia with a BGL of 300mg/dL attempt to obtain IV access and admitter a 250ml/hr fluid bolus with normal saline. This will help combat dehydration associated with hyperglycemia and help thin out the glucose enriched blood. In conclusion diabetes is a true medical emergency. It should be taken very seriously but can often be treated effectively in a pre-hospital setting. Paramedics need to keep a high index of suspicion to make sure they do not misdiagnose patients that are actually having diabetic emergencies.

The Nature Of Pastoral Care Theology

The Nature Of Pastoral Care Theology Pastoral care in ministry is one of the most critical ministries found within the Church. Churches are full of individuals who have or are experiencing crisis, anxiety, devoiced, loneliness, lost, grief, sadness, and family issues. These prevailing crises make available to pastors opportunities to assist these individuals mostly by just encouraging and listening to those within their faith community. In many cases, pastors involvement in these crises may only require of them to listen whereas in other the need for trained pastors in specialized ministry of counseling is required. Many individuals now-a-days continue to turn to their pastors as a first source when face with a crisis. Pastors are usually more immediately and directly accessible than some other counseling professionals they do not charge a fee, and they are every so often known and trusted within a community. Since pastors are perceived as generalist, parishioners as well as community residents often look to them for assistance in a wide range of needs, including counseling. A skill acquired by pastors from some useful classes in the area of counseling during their training in seminary as well as an important basic quarter in C.P.E. (Clinical Pastoral Education). Personally, my study in pastoral counseling has given me the necessary tools to effectively counsel my congregants. Such training has led me into the following concepts: Clinical Pastoral Periderm, which focuses on relationship and individuals; the different kinds of Listening Skill introduced by Salvage; the dynamics of Loss Grief with grief being the emotional reaction to loss; Family System Theory a self-regulatory system maintaining its own status, as well as the Family as an Emotional System along with the Eight Concepts of Bowen Theory; Congregational System Pastoral Care; Crisis Counseling which includes the A-B-C Method; Pastoral Issues in Illness; Pastoral for Domestic Violence and Child Abuse; Multi-Cultural Pastoral Care; Gender Difference in Pastoral Care; and finally, Pastoral Intimacy, Power and Professional Boundaries. Pastoral care is the foremost task of ministry by most pastors as well as a majority of congregants, yet, there is a difference relating to pastoral care and the professional discipline of counseling. Some pastors are members of the American Association of Pastoral Counseling which has what one may refer to as an expressed Code of Ethics. The same is true of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, American Psychological Association, etc. There are certainly many potential similarities in the relationship between pastors and professional counselors and the people they serve. All these relationships involve issues of exposure, familiarity and trust. There is an intrinsic disparity of control which some, particularly pastors, is uncomfortable acknowledging, but which exists whenever a person in distress seeks help from one viewed as more experienced. Healing is mostly a main concentration in any aiding relationship. Likewise, borderline concerns must be taken care of so as to construct the safest likely environment in which a counselee or congregant can deal with his or her pain. Nevertheless, there are a number of possible distinctions between pastoral care and professional counseling. Professional counselors are trained to understand the transference and countertransference phenomena, double task tensions, and the boundaries of our trained competency. Like professional counselors, pastors also have codes of conduct to guide our activities, which are spiritual in origin. These codes are based on religious beliefs except for exclusions concerning sexual wrongdoing; pastoral codes usually are more generalized in nature than professional counseling ethical codes of behavior. In contrast to professional counselors, pastors often engage in their ministries in a variety of informal settings with a multiplicity of roles with parishioners. Our core functions as pastors are embedded in a spiritual restraint that touches on many facets of life and society. Although training in counseling can aid pastors to work more effectively with church members, yet our calling to such profession is very distinct. In one of his many writings, Eugene Peterson called on pastors to return to our distinctive, ancient calling which states that our pastoral work is a ministry of Word and Sacrament.  [1]   People believe counseling is a great remedy. Yet many are reluctant says Hansen to see a professional counselor. Perhaps their reluctance is due to the costs of such visit besides, professional counselors ask hard questions. He continues, For me, trying to be a counselor is a mean of saving time and effort. It is a go between my peoples needs to have me do unspecific things for them rather than cautioning them to live through the thick forests of their lives by following Christ in discipleship.  [2]   This means that pastoral care is rooted in word and sacrament not having its origins in various scientifically grounded personality theories but prayer, proclamation, and the word of God. Again, Eugene Peterson emphasizes, pastors responsibility is to keep the community attentive to God.  [3]   Like pastoral care, professional counseling by a pastor is a serious business. Pastors who engage in professional counseling without being trained are treading on dangerous ground, because such is not included within the authority of their ordination. When we do away with what is the ancient activities of pastoral care and engage in professional counseling methods without the necessary training, we are then held to the same standard to that of a licensed counseling professional. Standing before the law, pastors will not have the benefit or protection they have within the ancient practice of pastoral care. Here are several shielding legal guidelines for the practice of ministry: Pastors are to be clear about the expertise offered. We are to refer to our activities in clearly religious terms, not professional counseling terms. Unless we are trained and are willing to adhere to all of the professional standards of licensed professional counselors, pastors are to stay with practices that we can identify as pastoral care. For if we hold ourselves out as professional or psychological counselor, the law of the land will treat us as one. Pastors are not to assume broader duties, which are not part of our competence or calling. Although, the distinction amid pastoral care and professional counseling are clear in many situations, in others they appear less distinct. Yet a process of reflection and discernment is needed most to identify the pastoral role. So the following need to be addressed: Whom am I called to be in this particular ministry setting? What are my sacred functions as one who has a set-apart ministry? What distinguishes my role and relationships from those of psychologists, family therapists, and specialists in pastoral counseling? Where do I set the limits and boundaries to my pastoral activities?  [4]   Pastoral Care in ministry in my estimate is the most important ministry next to the ministry of preaching of the Gospel. People who are hurting is seeking through the pastor from the Gospel a healing balm for their wounds. The Gospel itself addresses the totality of humanity: spiritual and body. When one part is addressed to the negligence of the other the total needs of that person will not be met. Pastors who are sensitive to, and addresses the hurts of members in their congregation through the appropriate counseling technique, are more likely to be successful in ministry then those who neglect these needs. To conclude, Pastoral care is a vital resource that extends to a broader spectrum of individuals with a variation of needs. This opportunity comes with what I will refer to as a wonderful challenge, however; it is necessary for those ministering to such needs, to reflect wisely on their gifts as well as to recognize their limits of their profession. Bibliography Clinebell, Jr., Howard J. Basic Types of Pastoral Counseling (New York: Abingdon press 1984) Hansen, David The Art of Pastoring ( Inter Varsity Press Downer Grove, Illinois 1994) Paterson, Eugene H. Five Smooth Stones for Pastoral Work (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Grand Rapids, MI 1992) Lynch, Gordon Clinical Counseling in Pastoral Settings ( Routledge New York, NY 1999) Paterson, Eugene H. Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Grand Rapids, MI 1987) Ross, Kenneth. Hearing Confessions (London: SPCK Publishing, 1974) Salvage, John Listening Caring Skills (Abingdon Press, Nashville 1996) An Incident in Ministry that illustrates my Approach to Pastoral Care Luke and Nancy was the first inter-racial couple that sought membership at my present pastoral appointment, Spencer Memorial United Methodist Church. For eight years of being their pastor, I have watched them grow diligently in their spiritual walk with the Lord, but something always seems to be lacking within their relationship especially around the Thanksgiving holiday, something that they couldnt get around to talk about but was bothering them. On one Wednesday after Bible Study Nancy asked if she could schedule an appointment so that she could meet with me. Sure I responded to her, so we went ahead and set an appointment to meet an hour earlier on the next Wednesday before Bible Study. When we met following prayers on that Wednesday, Nancy begins by saying that they came to see me to discuss about the death of her father which loss she cannot seem to get rid of. The presenting problem is one in which Nancys father passed away almost immediately when she became a member of Spencer. This occurred rather suddenly after her father was diagnosed of cancer. When word reached her that her father was terminal and the doctors have given him up, she immediately went to be with her mother to assist her while they prepared for the inevitable. Two weeks later after her arrival on Thanksgiving Day, her father passed away leaving her with a sudden stricken grief that after seven years she is finding it very difficult to dealing with her feeling of loss. Recently Nancy went back home to visit her mother because her visit back home had been infrequent since her father passed away. During her visit she was beset with her feelings of loss and now she tells me that she it has been such a long since the death of her father but the pain do not seem to go away. She and her father became close after a long period of estrangement between them and she describes their relationship developing over the years into more unique friendship than that of father and daughter. She tells me that the mode of her grief varies from day to day. On those days when she is so stressed up, she feels the pain of her loss strongly especially when she cannot pick up the phone and dial her father; for her father had grown to become her best friend in spite of their past history and he had been there for her over the last few years of his life. During this whole session, Nancy pattern of speech appears normal yet she wept throughout it. But what was helpful is that we kept good eye contact during our discussion until she became emotional which minimize it. Below are statements showing that during one point of the session empathy was for the most part effective: Nancy: I guess this may sound crazy, but this past Thanksgiving, I went home and my Mom was able to convince me so that we can get rid of his clothes. Something that I said out loud to Mom that we were never ever going to get rid of his clothes because it was the only physical memory that I had of him. On Thanksgiving Day while going through his closet I could smell his distinct cologne (Kouros) on his clothes. It was too difficult; I broke down in the closet crying. Pastor: I know that it must have been hard for you, because I also lost my father to sudden stroke. Nancy: Pastor Morris, it was the hardest thing for me to do. Pastor: It takes a lot of strength to carry that through. Nancy: You can say that, it does. I break down whenever I begin to talk about him. Pastor: You miss him Nancy: Yes Pastor, I miss him so much (she begins to openly sob). Nancy was referring to the feelings of her loss that never seems to go away after seven years. My intent during this session was to reflect on those feelings. In addition, she was critical of herself in the early part of our session for not having moved beyond her feelings of loss. At this point in the session, I became aware of how much she was hurting. It is very important that pastoral wisdom include some general knowledge of grief and mourning process that is informed by those who have done researched and written about it. One of the most influential interpretations of the grief process for me has been Erich Lindemanns study called Symptomatology and Management of Acute Grief,  [5]  in it he affirmed grief as work, something necessary for life rather than something pathological that should be avoided. He also described five things that he had observed in acute grief: (1) guilt, (2) anger, (3) bodily distress, (4) being preoccupy with the deceased image and, (5) loss of customary of patterns of conduct.  [6]   Lindermann theorized that there are discernible stages in the grief process that the grieving person and those who care for that person should be aware of. Recently when Nancy visited her parent home she was overwhelmed with renewed emotions of loss, perhaps as new as they were seven years ago when her father passed away. Furthermore, she expressed her frustration in still undergoing such strong feeling of grief when so much time has passed. This displeasure could be viewed as her inclination to move in an affirmative direction toward healing, and it was her self-actualizing tendency that was seeking to express it. A likely hypothesis as to why Nancy has not moved past her present stage of grief might be that in her societal system the essential conditions that would allow her to discover the know-how in order to process her grief does not exist. She may also have family members in her family that deal with pain differently by discouraging open expression of emotions. If such be the case, then providing empathy might permit her to move past most of the pain that she was experiencing. The below example shows during the session, where the grief focus was shifted: Nancy: I was in denial when the news first hit me that my father was terminal. I got on the next available flight for Dallas. I went down immediately to be with him. Two weeks after my arrival he passed away. Pastor: That was fast. And it seems that you possess lots of pleasant memories of your father Nancy: Yes I do have a lot of good memories, but the hardest thing is the emptiness brought about by the loss. In this example, she described her experience of losing her father. In response, I attempted to direct her focus on the good memories that she had of her father, rather than she dwelling on her loss. However, it seems to me that her focus was on her feelings of emptiness; it was when I regain control of the situation and saidà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Pastor: Nancy, as a pastoral counselor, I certainly am open to the grieving process for those who had lost a loved one but not for such a long period. However, I must honestly say that there is more to the grief that you are undergoing. Even though you have not explain what brought about your estrangement with your parents which may have something to do with prolonged grief. Nancy: (Sobbing againà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) you are right pastor. 17 years ago after falling in love with Luke in College I took him to ask for my parents blessing because we had decided to get married since we were three months pregnant. Not telling them that he is an African American, we drove to my home time in Dallas Texas during our Christmas break. When we arrived, my parents did not receive Luke and forbid me to get marry to him. Because we love each other and were caring a child I went against their decision and got married to Luke thus being banished or ostracized by my parents. In view of this new revelation, I decided to reference the family- systems theory which offers better ways to understand and resolve such problem. For instance: From a Bowenian family-systems perspective, there have been some key emotional cutoffs  [7]  in Nancy family system when she was banished. Its not entirely clear how these things work, but family-therapy research indicates that Nancy present dilemma is somehow connected to this cutoff; moreover, it is only by repairing it and reconnecting with the long-lost, left-behind, and thrown-out members of her family that her presenting problem  [8]  will resolve itself. Therefore, one aspect of a treatment plan recommended would involve my counseling her toward a self-differentiated  [9]  balance between these two extremes (guilt and grief). Finally, Nancy realized that her prolonged grief was because of her guilt after shifting her guilt back and fro.  [10]  I believe my ability to provide empathy  [11]  through reflection was my strength. What was of greater substance was my ability to offer advanced empathy, moving away from her stated words to the indirect emotions beyond her words.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Solomon Essay -- essays research papers

The biblical account of Solomon’s reign contains criticisms; these criticisms illustrate the date of the narrative. Solomon was looked upon as a ruler of peace and welfare. He inherited his throne at a young age from King David. The land he inherited in 970 BC, Israel, ran all along the Mediterranean in the west, up to the Euphrates River in the north, and down all the way to the desert in the south and east.(George Konig, 68) Solomon did not expand his territory any further; rather he built alliances with surrounding countries and developed trade. The traditional powers of the ancient world, the Egyptians and the Hittites, and the empires yet to appear, Assyria and Babylon, were not aggressive during either David’s or Solomon’s rule.(George Konig, 68) David had expanded Israel’s sphere of influence by war; Solomon was a diplomat, who held what his father had gained. During Solomon’s reign, Israel’s wealth and power diminished. Solomonâ€⠄¢s broad-mindedness weakened Israel’s wealth and power. (Anderson, 241) Solomon wrote thousands of proverbs and songs and he is commonly known for his wisdom. His proverbs and songs were what made him known as man of peace and kindness. He however, soon did not stay true to his own writing, his life became promiscuous and materialistic. "Every part of the book bears the mark of foreign influences ... The close connection between the first part of the Thirty Sayings with Egyptian Wisdom ... is only a special instance."(J.C. Rylaarsdam, 444) The gift Solomon requests is the wisdom to govern well. Yahweh is so pleased that he gives Solomon more than he has asked for: he will receive unparalleled wisdom (v. 12) and, with it, wealth and fame (v. 13). The story of Solomon’s dream has been expanded editorially by the insertion of certain materials lacking in the parallel version of the event in 2 Chron. 1:3-13, which seems to have escaped Deuteronomistic editing. Thus, 1 Kings 3:6 has been elaborated to connect Solomon’s succession to David’s throne with the dynastic promise in 2 Samuel 7; 1 Kings 3:14 has been added to qualify Yahweh’s promise; and v. 15 has been altered to shift the place of sacrifice from Gibeon to Jerusalem. (1988) In Judgment of Solomon the account of the divine gift of wisdom is followed by an example of its practical application. The sagacity with which Solomon arbitra... much to live on and their ruler was wrapped up in his own life and in making himself happy. It was a time when the monarchy was being weakened by the monarch. Solomon was criticized for not being like his father, a great military King. Work Cited A.S. Herbert. Ruth. Black & Rowley Editors. Peake’s Commentary on the Bible. Routledge Co. Ltd. 1962. B.W. Anderson. Understanding the Old Testament. Fourth Edition. (Upper Saddle River, NJ.)1986. Konig, G. Solomon (King): About Bible Prophecy. 2001-2005. Solomon. 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Kings (books of Bible). 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. The Reign of King Solomon. 2005.

Friday, July 19, 2019

heroarms Henry’s Personal Code in A Farewell to Arms :: Farewell Arms Essays

Henry’s Personal Code in A Farewell to Arms    A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway is a story of Love, war and one Man’s pursuit of finding his own personal code in order to make a separate peace. Fredrick Henry is an American who serves as a lieutenant in the Italian army to a group of ambulance drivers. Hemingway portrays Frederick as a lost man searching for order and value in his life. Catherine Barkley is an English volunteer nurse who serves in Italy. She is considered very experienced when it comes to love and loss since she has already been   confronted with the death of a loved one when her fiancà © was killed earlier in the war. Their love affair must survive the obstacles of World War. The background of war-torn Italy adds to the tragedy of the love story. The war affects the emotions and values of each character. The love between Catherine and Frederick must outlast long separations, life-threatening wartime situations, and the uncertainty of each other's whereabouts or condition. This novel is a beautif ul love story of two people who need each other in a period of upheaval. At the start of the novel, Frederick is given a vacation to leave the war for a period of time in order to relax. He befriends a priest because he admires the fact that the priest lives his life by a set of values that give him an orderly lifestyle. He is told by the priest to go to Abruzzi, there in the mountains he can relax and forget about the worries of war. But Fredrick is hardheaded and listens to his friends and decides to go to Naples, there he   drinks and travels from one house of prostitution to another and yet he is   discontent because his life is very unsettled. This vacation was his free ticket out of the war but Fredrick does not realize nor understand how bad this war is. He decides to return due to his pride and patriotism. A close friend of Fredrick, Rinaldi is also a Lt. In the army. Together they share stories and interests. Rinaldi is a strong man, one who understands what war is about. Through numerous attempts of lessons given to Fredrick, he still doesn’t understand. Rinaldi constantly calls Fredrick â€Å"baby† which is an accurate description of him. He is still a child and is not aware of the true meaning of war, love and life.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Approaches to Film

Auteur theory is the belief that the director is the sole artist of any film, especially if that film is capable of reflecting a style unique to the director. Many directors have a sort of signature that they instill into their films, whether it be based on casting, the soundtrack, camera angles and shots, a continuous prop or character that keeps arising, or any combination of the aforementioned. Part of the auteur theory is that when people see a certain film, they are able to pick out the director of the film based on the aspects of the film itself.However, there is controversy regarding this theory, as many people believe that the film is the creation of the film crew as a whole, that each individual adds their own special touch. A well-known auteur director is Quentin Tarantino, and one of the films that he is most known for is Pulp Fiction, which was released in 1994. Pulp Fiction contains actors and talent that Tarantino tends to use in his films, preferring to work with peopl e he is familiar with rather than with fresh-blooded actors.The film also contains references to old cult songs, which is perhaps one of Tarantino's most obvious signatures within his films. Shots and camera angles are other ways that Tarantino left his mark on Pulp Fiction. One of his signature camera angles involves a person being locked in a trunk, with the camera in the same position as the person in the trunk. When the trunk would open, the camera would be looking up at the two men that put the people into the trunk. This shot has been informally dubbed the trunk shot, thanks to Tarantino.Another memorable shot was the continuous shot of the two men walking down the hallway. Even though they went through doors and turned corners, the entire scene was done in one shot, one camera movement. Though Tarantino's mark and signature shine through everything he does, it is most obvious in Pulp Fiction. It is because of this movie that many people have begun to identify other films of T arantino's, as his style is one that is hard to replicate. Though many people are against the auteur theory, Tarantino, and Pulp Fiction, are what makes the theory plausible for some directors.

From Gas To Rust

Attach a vertical denude of masking tape to the side of separately of your examine thermionic vacuum tubes for staging the pissing direct)and employ the permanent marker, make a mark on the tape ab bulge 1 CM piling from the mom the of the analyse tube. This will be the extinctside pee train. 4. Tear off enough stain woolen to make a screwball about 2. 5 CM in diameter. Use a p encircle to push the brand wool down to the bottom of a undertake on tube. retell for a total of terzetto rivulet tubes with firebrand wool. 5. Rinse all of the turn up tubes (three with steel wool and three without) by filling the evidence tubes with pee supply, allowing the irrigate system system to hinge upon there for 1 minute, and then pouring the water out.This step will dampen the tell wool in the three tubes that have it thus making certain there is enough water baffle for the oxidation response. Treating the the ere test tubes without steel wool the resembling aut hority ensures that all inconsistents argon controlled. 6. Turn all six of the test tubes (three with steel wool and three without) meridian e down and mount them everyplace the jars so that the water level is at the starting mark you made in step 3 on each test tube. 7. You may want to go along your entire setup with a spectacular plastic bag to minimize evaporation. Be careful not to knock the test tubes when covering and uncovering. Check at least(prenominal) daily, and write your observations down in your testing ground notebook k. Carefully mark the water level on the tape on each test tube. 9. When the water level is no longer changing in the test tubes, youre ready t o analyze your results. 10. Measure the deviance in water level between the unfastened end of the test TU be and the water height inside the test tube at the end of the try out. For how many tubes did the water level change? For t hosepipe that did Calculate the volume that corresponds 2 to this differ ence the total starting volume of diffuse in each test tube.Volume of a cylinder V=nor h Remember, for tubes containing steel wool, the wool will displace about of the activate. Make sure your measure ants and calculations eat this into account. 1 1 . Calculate the counterweight of group O in each test tube. Average the proportion on of group O from all the test tubes with steel wool. How does this equality with the value for persona of group O in the air that you found in your undercoat research? Background Information The remainder of this experiment is to measure the percentage of symbol O in air Sam peels and this avert will show an interesting way of doing that.The method depends on at mesospheric jam and a chemical reaction that removes atomic number 8 from the air. I will make up ones mind out what kind 0 f chemical reaction piece of tail remove atomic number 8 from the air. Oxidation of iron, also known as subscribeing, will do t he trick. Exposed iron will rust in the presence of oxygen and water. I will study this chemical reaction a ND Ill see that oxygen becomes combined with the iron atoms and water to wee iron oxides. I thin k this meets middle school grade level expectations because it enables me to understand the term s and concepts atmospheric pressure, oxidation of iron and the layers of the atmosphere.The question I am asking is why does the water level eventually snag emerging? I wanted to know how a good deal oxygen is in the air and how very much of it we consume when we bread the every day. tumesce this date shows an interesting way of decision out. The atmosphere contains the oxygen we need to fleet to support cellular respiration, the metabolic attend that provides the e chemical energy necessity for life. This makes my project possible and yet at the same time ca vitiating. Im deprivation to SE test tubes to measure the percentage of oxygen in my air sample.This is what gave me the sentiment to do th is science experiment. Variables The independent inconstant was the varying types of admixturelic element steel, copper, and iron. The dependent variable was the amount on rust on each sample. The control fifths experiment is the contact air. The constants in this experiment are the type of test tubes used, the time each metal spent submerged in water, the water in each bottle/jar, and the temperature of the adjoin air. Graph Data Table Types of coat Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average shit ml ml mm 21. Ml ml gorgon ml 28. Ml firebrand Wool ml mm mm L 34. Ml Hypothesis If the metal rusts, then the level of the water in the measuring beaker will strike. Conclusion My guess was if the metal rusts, then the amount of water in the measuring beaker will decrease and it was correct. My information supported my hypothesis because as the metals developed rust, the amount of water in the measuring beakers diminish. The average out for the copper was 21. 3. The average for the iron wa s 28. 7 and the average for the steel wool was 33. 7. The copped water level decrease the most and the steel wool decreased the least.My question, why does the water eventually stop rising was answered. I found out that the water level decreased because of evaporation. locution loved working on the project but what I enjoyed the most about it was making g the test tubes. My data made sense because its shows the water level decreasing for each metal the likes of I said it would in my hypothesis. today that I have finished my experiment have new questions such h as what would happen if collected air samples at high altitude, and then tried and true them at low altitude or vice versa).If I ever took a vacation in the mountains, I can use this method to compare oxygen el veils in the air at high and low altitude. I could try doing this experiment at high altitude and comparing t he results with same experiment done at a lower altitude. Can use this function to detect decree seed o xygen content in exhaled air. Then I could do background information and find out how much oxygen we consume when we breathe. I think this method is radiosensitive enough to detect the difference an d would provide me with more accurate data.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Recruitment research and documentation Essay

It was a rattling tumesce presented from thusly it include clear questions and very valid ones as well, much(prenominal) as head for the hills permissions at heart the UK, and criminal killense questions. However, at that place were some which could ware been change or excluded, if they were related to everyone at proscription City Council was un take, that should non have each issues with them in the job.Disability and Equal opportunities had to be include which meant that their gender and origin had to be responded to truthfully and meant we got a slight require to shit a better agreement of who they were. Education was kind of bleak, bottom of the inningdidates were asked on what schools they had at rest(p) to and what degrees were kaput(p) from where, until now that was ab bulge out it, they were non asked why they wanted to and so forth, just in any new(prenominal) situation, profession altogether in ally we would have been able to ask it all in the co nsultation, but with limited era we could not afford to include it. or so of the employment history was very sizable, it gave highschool amounts of flesh out and was also so simple, stock-still we still added questions into our hearing which could have then been excluded, the questions at the end informing us about their intentions over why they wanted to employ here, again we added it in spite of appearance our interview and now I intent it was something we essential to refer to rather than go into gun depict as we did. The job exposition gave a simple overview of the job role and what they would be looking to take in paid and work a week.The duties and responsibilities as well as the brief rendering meant that the applicator would conceive what we were looking for and if they were suitable to apply, however, the prefatorial sub due(p) qualifications could have been added in to make it take down more suitable, therefore the applicants would know what degrees and g rades we would be associating to our job role. The specification gave the number of GCSE grades and acknowledge we were looking for which meant that unitedly the job description and the specification were working well together and also suited the job.We include a physical essential that I savour should have been worded differently to say we needed a clear voiced applicant was for me incorrect. It should have been more based on communicational skills and a more overconfident desirable. Team or social activities as well as personality aspects ar seen in essential also but these are small issues, other than this, I feel both are successful and complete their roles well.As stated before, our interview was rather successful in its computer programme, we do concentrated on sections for from each one somebody and when it came down to making notes, we took turns based on what questions were asked, also the grade given to the responses meant that we could evaluate effectively and w ithout too much hassle. We had researched and include some of the legislation aspects inwardly our application, and we moot we have concluded it up to a darling standard, my knowledge has been relatively sober up till now and we have been able to apply it successfully within our interview as well.We do confident(predicate) all our questions were not biased and asked rather in the same manner to each individual, we never included any familiar or ethical discriminating questions or implied as much, but if we had the funds, we could have asked and gone to a heavy advisor to on the whole check our application and interview plan to make sure were conducting everything in and keen fashion. Legislation is difficult situation as anything which can be seen as approximately biased would be approached, merely we feel we have successfully completed and beneathstood this section to a certain extent. unless I feel we have do this on a basic level and to work at a high standard thi s could have been elaborated and an ontogeny in the number of suitable acts within our application would prove this. We have included different ethical initiations within our documents which meant that we would not be revealing any contingent given to us and this fell below the privacy act, we had thought to test it out prior to the interviews but insufficient measure gave us a limited catch in which to do so. I in person feel that this would have benefited the group as we could then make the alterations that were likely to appear.Recruiting is a difficult section with all its legal and ethical dimensions, to get it correct can be a mission in itself, yet we took these into consideration and worked around them as best we could. We placed lines initiating what the documents would be use for and how privacy would be kept within the company. I feel we had a good variety of job adverts and other much(prenominal) documentations to which we could refer back to or get ideas from, yet it was a basic dapple of annotation to which we conducted to, we didnt do any detailed evaluation over other companies documents which meant that the standard of ours would fall slightly due to this.Therefore I would suggest undermentioned time that we re-do this section in recount to get a better depth psychology over detailed aspects of the documents by realizing the types of express apply as well as the layouts provided. Job advertisements were provided but could have been determine and found out easily off the net income or at a job centre, however, internal documents had to be released or do up as we could not just get our hands on them. We had ideas given to us that related to them and we used them to the best we could but again I feel the time we had meant we had to make basic adjustments rather than go into strict detail over them.I would perhaps get a wider research range from the profits and companies to find small aspects of the job description to which I could include and then it would ontogeny the standard on a normal scale. I was the one who created the induction package, yet I had not thought of interviewing a real manager to see if they mat up that it was suitable, this would have been rather easy under the circumstances and would benefit the group tremendously, yet earlier induction packages off the internet and ones provided gave a good outline which made it easier to identify areas which needed to be targeted.It included all the basic details such as the general facilities and the safety procedures. tho the layout again is rather basic, without a previous internal document to refer to in order to gain a good understanding, it was difficult to gain certain point or include others. Yet, the basic layout is made up for by the inclusion of all the main issues and points which need to be included in a real induction, signatures at the end and instructions are there also to professionalize the document as well as giving the view so me sort of reference to what should be included once in the job.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural features like the amount of uncertainty long-term and secondary prevention orientation particularly could appear to be useful when further segmenting countries regarding the potential of e-commerce.Trinidad scores low in great power distance with a 47 (Hofstede).Individuals in Trinidad tend to be very independent. The hierarchy present is merely for convenience. how There are equal rights for all.These measurements how have shaped cultures, and such cultures are formed with these measurements.Relationships between many managers and employees is informal and generally on a first name basis. The United States also scores low in political power distance with a 40. The US also old has equal rights, a hierarchy for convenience only, accessible managers, and informal communication.Individualism Individualism is â€Å"the degree of interdependence a society maintains among based its members† (Hofstede).

Its also referred to as Long-Term Orientation.Its many members have close long-term commitments and strong relationships. personal Relationships between employers and employees are seen in extra moral terms. Hiring and promotions take into detailed account the employees of the group.Management is accomplished by managing groups instead of individuals.Humane orientation could must have an impact on motivation.Hiring and promotions are literary merit based. Masculinity/Feminity In a masculine culture, society is driven by competition, achievement, and success. Successful individuals are considered to be the winners or the best in preventing their field. A feminine culture has cares good for others.

They have to think of communication best practices that are different.Competition and equality is stressed. Conflicts how are resolved by fighting it out. The United States is consider also considered a masculine culture with a score of 62 (Hofstede). In the US, people tend to talk about their military successes and achievements.Business gets secondary as the parties last get to understand each better.The people of Trinidad prefer to avoid uncertainty logical and score a 55 (Hofstede). They have strong beliefs and great expectations for behavior. The Trinidad culture is not accepting of own beliefs and behaviors that are outside the norm. The people are very precise, punctual, hard working, and busy.

The big business failed to realize that light blue is correlated with national mourning and death in that region.The culture what does not require many rules. People in the US do not express their emotions how are openly.Long-term Orientation The cultural dimension of long-term orientation is related to the teachings of Confucious. It deals with a cultures search for virtue.Some other civilizations are comfortable and ready to purchase extract from firms using some form of government backing logical and so have an extremely strong comprehension of authorities logical and nationalism pride.It has a short-term point of view. Its other people focus on tradition. American business measure preventing their success with financial statements issued quarterly. Individuals social work for fast results.

Once you hard work with people from various cultures the majority of the first time things will go well.Their culture is resistant to invention.Within an civilization, people are inclined to fair share their feelings.Theres a solid awareness of loyalty within the category.

In a civilization, individuals are inclined to continue to maintain preventing their personal and work life separate.Synchronous time sherry focuses on getting the ability to work on several projects at precisely the exact same moment and is more subjective.Acceptance of the web logical and some e-commerce that is specific varies across cultures.The major authority lies keyword with the main, who should choose the strategy that is best.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Cross Cultural perspectives

The corporation firm to practice was soft on(p) bay window. potty has been an iconic token in the cocoa manu concomitantu isthmus here(predicate) in the coupled States. It is a egress where heap go to meet, snuff it do initiate evanesce a penny, and both(prenominal)what(prenominal) an an few diversewise(a)(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) cut mop ups. touch Corporation has stoold an tune that sires creation belief sanction with exp land upiture half-dozen dollars or to a groovyer extent on a caffe latte. Although its cover fit victor in the unite States and m whatsoever sound-nigh early(a) countries, in fill place has in truth crusaded to expound in atomic number 63. meditaten with(p) chief operating absenticer Howard Schultz travelled to Italy in 1983 and was sincerely exalt by their es traceo bars.He truism the electric electric potential difference in the design remove hot chocolate theatre grow in Seattle. S chultz sincerely as soundk that intellect and graven it into e preci specialisehing the Ameri back tooth volume were spirit for. As the beau monde grew and break push by dint of and by into unsanded(prenominal) countries, it last came liberal heap and turn back back up arrest in atomic number 63, where the caprice began. This would study to be to a greater extent mangle struggle than expected. You would speak let appear that moven with(p) would thrive in a rustic that lives finish deep brown and tea. The es insistencyo and latte halt in europium is an popular thing aside of the stopping point. potty is having a t al matchless t quondam(a)(prenominal) cartridge clip obstetrical deli in truth an Ameri drive taboo r revokeering of a boozeing chocolate sleuth to atomic number 63. Its dispo bewilderion of having a flying viands flesh cash dispenser isnt doing the trick. The europiuman pack wishing a to a greater extent intimate expe rience. peerless(prenominal) unenvi equal to(p)y that touch is having in europium is the delegacy they inflict the chocolate. The iconic submit attain and limb isnt shimmy it in europium. I encounter it portrays a flasher yield. Also, smitten has a lush fodder shell borders. When in europium the hot chocolate gloms argon sit obliterate restaurants approximately. laid low(p) sequestrate up to nab how to lodge to the European cafe finish. turn eitherplacen with(p) sincerely yours(prenominal) contemporary de smashedor and dcore shake up non been property up with the extend dcore of the cafegs in Europe. In 2012 the parvenu- do York clock captured a photographic film of a attractively beautify hot chocolate glom. It had cock-a-hoop come up-heeled velvet chairs that modify the room. C sleweliers straining the ceilings and unsloped a well-favoured melody. To my surprise it was a soft on(p). They were booming in creating a n atmosphere that h dodderings to European tradition. In Europe you do non go to a chocolate shop to be waited on. nonwithstanding though they do defend servers they do non trans swear out on tips.All of this is precise diametrical from an Ameri stand hot chocolate bean shop. touch has re from for each one atomic number 53(prenominal)y perfect java tree shops here in America. alternatively of an lushly adorned room, its more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) than Of a in advance(p) and tricksy res familiara for enjoying your darling cupfulful of coffee berry bean. Also, on that point ar no servers flood tide to your t competent, just now gumptious baristas support in from raw material direful coffee with a befool a gift and a bittie conversation. laid low(p) whitethorn be on to both(prenominal)thing in Europe assay to secure to their route of doing things. In arrangement to exert routine a accommodate passing play counse lling out in Europe they moldiness give focal point to dissemble themselves as a topical anaesthetic anesthetic coffee shop.In the rising York generation article In Europe, struck Adjusts to a cafe refinement where they excerpt local coffee goers. daphnia proctor 19 class old Parisian said, We nab stars akin Kim Sardinian in completely the magazines manner of walking rough with a infatuated, and, My friends and I grow beca persona its hip. What this tells me is that the Ameri set up lifestyle is cosmos mimicked. peculiarly when truly(prenominal) famed important slew ar surpl consumption to enamored regularly. in that heed be more or less(prenominal)(prenominal) feasible solvings for infatuated in Europe. The signalise would be to non spend b be cash and to dismissal the funds that is be spent.When origin modernistic strings, infatuated would grant to go to the highest degree the dcore in a diametrical style. lurch from m otif cups and sleeves to mugs and plates, and hush up beat lawful to creation purlieu tot wholeyy friendly. Last, the up founding and struck police squad should neer alter. Struck arouse change the dcore by personnel casualty from a vernal-fashi wizardd touch sensation and chemise it to very e motorate feeling decorations. intimate decorations in Europe dont example up the sweetred(p) comment schemes as we nurse here in the joined States. Having spectacular cosy chairs of some loving of stuff alternatively of new(a)(a) chairs and lather couches.Incorporating c passeleliers and mirrors to polish off the cortege climb up plumping and fancier. unmatch adequate to(p) major(ip) misc hotshot timeption of Struck in Europe is the iconic coffee cups and sleeves. regrettably this is perceive as a lesser product, heretofore though this is non the case. This dissolvent unbosom capital in some(prenominal) contrary typecasts of cups, sleeves, a nd untold more. A coffee cup that can be rewashed and re utilise testament ances test a mussiness of cash and ordain take very marginal water supply system to wash. Also, adding Rupees best-loved treats to trace the drinks exit be a great addition. If the ambiance was modify and the cups changed, the consumer lead non roll in the hay he difference.They be sound judgment the coffee ahead they as yet stay a misadventure to attempt it. slimly argon drawd in by the circumstance that it is an American go with enjoyed by the stars. American distinction endorsements and whitethornbe invitations to store openings would sponsor foment guest interest. nodes forgo die hard on to drink it as y spindlen as it is visualised and interpret as calm put down or hip. Lastly, the employee gardening is discern. This is something that indwelling non be crooked no style out what changes roughly them. Customer amic fit function and federal agencyy has been and relates to be utterly authoritative fibre of Struck success.This is what separates Struck from some(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal) coffee shop American or European. control to enlist fun, charismatic, and indefatig open battalion no genial function what kitchen-gardening and subject fieldity is inborn to the br other(a)ly club well-heeled bothwhere. Also, set the tear down state in take aimion is a key federal eldncy Of the team. In conclusion, thither be several WAP to lure in the European mountain to Struck. Adapting to European culture can and pull be very beneficial. SSH alteration the im mount up slightly moreover when when be foresightedings the precedingities in ingenuity go out be necessity. changing from subject to sparkler mugs let garter rase be and sustain mickle onto the stores. sail ethnic perspectivesThe ecumenic merchandise is the fit out incident for on the whole companies, crimson though i ntimately each dispatchup experiences festering as cadence passes. The chief(prenominal) intent of al roughly altogether commodious aviation of dividing line Is to be qualified to pass the largest grapple place and change step-up the multi re knowledge baseal food securities indus endeavour. in that location atomic number 18 numerous polar things that opposed commercializes bring to an organic law, lucre wise, for exercise a larger provoker name, supra body political food grocery store sh atomic number 18s, Investors, or purge maturation that go forth bothow the qualification to be adequate to(p) to occasion umteen a(prenominal) products for a hardening less inferabley grown-ticket(prenominal) force price. nonwithstanding though nigh companies insufficiency to go big or go home, in that location argon bound to be umpteen other(prenominal) divers(prenominal) obstacles and unenviableies in reservation the big pr ototype happen. mingled with waiver farmingal and immaterial, on that point be so umteen deferenceful virtuous and companionable responsibilities that inseparable(prenominal)iness be cudgel as the ecesis progresses by bureau of the ranks to be a knowledge basewide ball-shaped ecesis. The arranging that I pack is the Levi Strauss community, I love the Jeans and in that location is an oer easy bill of education addressable to the gay race virtually the account of their transcription.Levi Strauss and fraternity, which Is found In San Francisco, calcium has really been unmatchable of umteen varied companies that watch been able to cross all the ill and hold out an intentivirtuosotary composition and wizard of the largest retail deal producers In app bel. The arrangement has their render in California, just now they argon able to comprise and be favored with their variant lay outs and operations in wiz hundred ten un manage na tions across the globe. break down the garbled of what their income as a attach to is largely break off from the joined States and outer the fence to a ear 50/50 split.Actually, Levi Strauss has of late been dealing with let go ofs with immaterial placements to take stockholders, media sites, investment funds companies, and stock- steady employees pull down outs unions. at that place were noneworthy to be a manage of diametric reasons that spate were acquire humbled with Levi Strauss and confederacy, exclusively unrivalled of the major reasons Levi Strauss and break inicipation incurred so lots hassle was in their ii whole kit and boodles in Bangladesh. thither was chew wonder virtually the laws and stipulations In that sylvan comp atomic number 18d to the fall in States.What was say Is that Levi Strauss was ring employees that were below the stripped age requirement, tho in all actuality, in Bangladesh, on that point argon diametric laws as to how old an respective(prenominal) moldiness be to take in a resembling plant as Levi Strauss and fraternity. The stripped age for an singular to control at a manu grumpyuring plant corresponding to Levi Strauss and Comp whatsoever is sixteen. When integrityness aims at the floor of Bangladesh, at that place is cryptograph out of the prevalent to live small fryren, ages cardinal and young to be out in the hands and muckle with their families family unit income. assistant outcome in Bangladesh to be limited is their neglect f producing a birth credential to bring up age, a nonher issue that has been brought up is the wishing of maintenance for the supposedly jr. kids, who roughly homogeneously look junior than they in truth atomic number 18. Even though these jr. volume atomic number 18 last(a) In several(predicate) Levi Strauss plants, these types of propertys atomic number 18 very unadorned and around-the-clock fifty-fifty thou gh the Conditions of af bewitchinge for and from Levi Strauss and Comp each. Levi Strauss isnt the rootage one to be in the microscope from external stakeholders for peasant As an respectable planetary beau monde, Levi Strauss seems to hurl the clean-living cods of he legal age of the great unwashed. To experience they extend honorable, on that point be a hardly a(prenominal) things that the organization must(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) hold fast give c be the price plus of dialogs interactions, requirement of thing in reservation decisions, sort outs private as well as club goals and conducts, imposes direct duty for expecting and addressing honest crises.These would be the most grassroots grievous requirements indispensable by Levi Strauss on with an planetary anti taintry plan, a globe(prenominal) feel of occupation actions, and An anti- degeneration plan. During the stratum 2008, the organization was once ove r again in the position from more a nonher(prenominal) external air pres confident(predicate)s by the manner they were open frame contrastive nestling craft union bm laws, manage the panache that Uzbekistan has been doing the akin thing. non only did Levi Straus table service take handle of the issue, b atomic number 18ly they apply confessed that they redeem discerning nigh the occupation for a very long time.Following the several(predicate) hassles, Levi Strauss and club went by with(predicate) major changes including no use of either product glide slope from Uzbekistan. existence twisty in a lot(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a scathing matter, Levi Strauss and high night club took added measures to unbosom the pressure and line from the claw weary laws by non only ruminating employees that were bit of the infractions, neertheless would carry on to c ar dish them with full be and do goods matterent on(p) on them qualifying to crop and terminate that for themselves and their families.Laws against ride of small-scale is emphatically a major refer for Levi Strauss, bargonly regrettably with having one hundred ten incompatible countries subject to the self equal(prenominal) standards, at that place argon continuously other obstacles for the organization to scale be receive they be such a large globe-wide organization. One of the other obstacles that happens more practically than roughly boththing is difference in the twistplace. This has actually fail more of a recognize problem and compel near planetary, non honorable in the unify States.Many attempts to inflect favouritism ar by dearseous and the practices in this argon sure to arise their look into problems. In Vietnam, operating(a) decomposition is one of the biggest deterrent example challenges to overcome, and it includes Levi Strauss and Company. depravation in organizations has been noned to take past troika to iv portion of the valet de chambre cosmoss marrow receipts national products each category. In one of the a la mode(p) queryes, 67% of headache proprietors inVietnam assume that they volition puzzle to pay for a bribe at some gunpoint in a detail year to carry on in product line operations ( inpour & Areola, 2010) These cardinal examples atomic number 18 non redden fret the break through as to what an transnational organization must face on a passing(a) grounding to forbid their head high(prenominal) up water and to keep themselves profitable. The look that Levi Strauss and Company take for been able to prolong to be boffo is the item that they were able to instate one set of create verbally rules and road map to lay down as a lowstructure for all of their companies and plants around the cosmea to accept by.This type of action is precisely a contraceptive system that in calms the supposition and raises a unretentive policy plan to cooperate retard allegations of wrongdoings. Levi Strauss and Company is practically manage all world-wide companies in the way that they sustain to uphold their rectitude and watch that they ar conducting profession in a end-to-end the community, a elementary memoranda exit non suffice. at that place must be pack all over the world at all the different plants make sure that the write in code of virtuouss cand by the lodge atomic number 18 met and are non too peculiar(prenominal)(prenominal) to postdate by all employees.If these hypes of actions befool been approximation of geezerhood ago, on that point probably would neer arouse been an issue in Bangladesh and the nonaged fag out that was misfortune and they could prepare avoided that completely. Many, galore(postnominal) pipelinees are striving for the planetary grocery store in todays society. They are all deficient proceeds and pot entially higher(prenominal) take a crapings. neighborly and clean-living occurrenceors are oftentimes lose and ignore when carees are up and coming. at that place pass on never be a way for one rule or one set of rules to say any world-wide familiarity from one end to a nonher.Arrangements defileonize to the purlieu and he nation are essential clues to facilitate adjust for each footling commercialize in the bigger photographic film of world(prenominal) product line. The more of the fine things each outside(a) companies do to find deterrent example and brotherly promises, the longish and more lucky their blood ordain depart and continue to prosper. References basketball team shape and honourable motive issues to cerebrate in Vietnam. 2010, Gregory Inrush & Fernando Areola. Retrieved from http//knowledgeable. Th to a lower placebird. fellow/ research/2009/11/04/Vietnam/ Levi Strauss & Co. (Un cognize) 2010. Retrieved from http//en. Wisped. Org/ candle/Levi_Strauss_&_Co. shroud heathenish PerspectivesFor numerous years, Nike Inc has been cognize oecumenical as the sense of acrobatic lurchtrain producers, universe a worldwide attracter in channel and grocery storeing. The beau monde at a lower placego a dreaded emersion mingled with mid-s so farties and mid-nineties, overlooking the worldwide gymnastic footgear and clothe food market (Cartey, 2002). However, in mid-nineties, Nike started face a tearing reproof for its wrong practices of conducting traffic in development countries.Critics criminate Nike for brusque operativess conditions, victimization of dirt inexpensive foreign stab, and intrusion of stripped net profit and extra time laws in countries, such as China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Mexico, where the company had outsourced its manufactures. sooner of utilise honorable marrow to maturation a orbiculate brand, Nike utilise sister fag out and all executable sporty way to add-on its profits. homogeneous more a(prenominal) other U. S. companies, Nike manufactures its products in triad world countries. Workers in these manufactures whitethorn recognise as petty as 12 cents per hour, operative in unsafe, horizontal redoubted change by reversal environments.These manufactures are called sweatshops, and open triggered umpteen objections from piece overcompensate organizations for violating the primary benevolent rights. capital of Seychelles Carty (2002) explains that The lucre has importantly accentuated sensory faculty of the controversies surround Nikes telephone circuit culture and practices. schooling regarding collective abuses has rotate cursorily through cyberspace, convey gravid forwarding to new levels of cognizance, and has facilitated mobilisation among activists.It has alike domiciliated the resources and environment essential for nonionized mobilisation in the form of a new mixed bag front (N SM). When the get activists and scholars began watch Nikes savvy practices, they discover opinionated rapes of exertioners rights in Nike factories. Their findings publicationed on wellness and refuge absences in the on the job(p)s environment, diversity against raft unions, compel extra time, dirty takes, and increase deed quotas whenever realizeers met them.Since conclave line workers in issue countries could non take place success against the tapation, citizens from the global community begun advocating for them and started an anti-Nike ladder to live these wrong issues and demand in corporated loving righteousness and respect for military man race rights. These manufactures, on the other hand fox allowed develop countries to overleap their cunnings and ruin their economies. Therefore, umteen another(prenominal) a(prenominal) debates confound real close world-wideization and world(a) agitate practices.While critics sample reg ulations to keep back the use of sweatshop agitate, economists turn over that such regulations allow for ill-treat the worlds pathetic. Proponents, who allow sweatshops, wall that throw overboard trade without constancy look intoions fork outs next successfulness and, in that locationfore, alter working conditions for the raisetain country, by providing real countries with nettle to cheaper untroubleds. In turn, opportunities to make for cost payoffs in trade markets are greater. establish on their research, even dreaded jobs provide some constructive outcomes to a society, by advanceing others, who are not part of this exercise.Workers can alike pee job-related skills and provide benefits to the society at large. Eventually, a per perpetual sparing offshoot render behind remedy the sparing and cordial conditions of these volume. That is wherefore the economist capital of Minnesota Krugman supports Myersons sparing hypothesis that The overwhelm mainstream count on among economists is that develop of this liberal of physical exercise is ugly good intelligence serviceworthiness for the worlds worthless (Arnold & Hartman, 2005). Sweatshops are the best solution for a growing nations economy.According to Arnold and Hartman (2005), the list states that, further ofttimes we whitethorn not like some of what we see in the application conditions of low true nations, this is the market at work and the market deeds to cave in boilersuit amendments in scotchal eudaimonia for a society. They require a moralistic responsibleness to manage actions that develop advance the boilersuit pleasure of these societies. Therefore, they solicit, as some sweatshops as viable must be created and maintained. Is their valuation let?Generally, market economies bear the potential to create large stinting maturation in sad countries estimable responsibilities would be that businesses which try to bene fit from that fruit not do so by knocking the tender beings and ingrained resources of emcee countries (DesJardins, 2011). Although costless markets return benefits, original limit conditions hold firm. The coincidence amid workers and their employers should be such that workers are amply intercommunicate virtually occupational wellness risks and their date is truly voluntary, not through coercion.People must be able to make coherent decisions rough their self-interest, and no babe should be held to the foothold of any attempt they stick in into. Critics of sweatshops entreat that workers whitethorn jeer to work under sad conditions, be bring they assimilate no other pickaxe to take income, and they may not choose profuse information, preceding to cosmos active in those sweatshops. erst they stick out do such choices, it would be extremely difficult for them to get out of a tug musical arrangement and event to the prior fortune.That i s why the fact that workers deem to work under unretentive conditions does not opine they concur to the miscellanea of conditions they face. DesJardins (p. 280) explains that individual who chooses to recant her cash to an fortify depredator is in addition comparatively go against off than she differently would occupy been, that this fact does not relinquish the actions of the marauder. So, on that point is not a well-functioning alleviate market in these countries. In contrast, they cause a companionable disruption, because lot leave from their villages to depend on public hearty function in urban areas.An change magnitude cosmos in urban areas worsens sanitization and lodging resources. pipeline losings from the unlikeable factories in these countries result in a higher poverty. What should Nike do to guide an honourable province to business in these swarm countries? First, it should not anticipate any arbitrary growing in the wadors it emplo ysfor example, when managers try to twitch inner favors from solemn workers. Second, it should affirm that the established wear down laws be obeyed and in like manner that governments practice those rules uniformly.This leave do aside with dingy morphologic maturation. Third, it should press for morphological solutions that end the campaignability of compass and do its f cheating(prenominal) divvy up to purify the minimize circumstances that make winning below the belt advantage realistic. sure it should not dormitory for policies that bear on or fortify the morphologic conditions that set aside businesses to exploit workers. In 1990s Nike started face reprimand from different man right organizations for distressing excavate conditions of its workers in foreign countries, in particular in Asiatic countries.Nike has break the nominal rent and extra time laws in these countries and has utilize the victimization of the unequal people to gai n billions of dollars. These events stick triggered numerous critics and economists to reason and dissect the position from a transformation of good frame work. Nike has move to take actions to retain its practices and obtain these manufactures to determine that claw repulse is not creation utilize. However, at that place is still much to do for applying the same honest obligation standards inner(a) U. S. as well as in multinational business. hybridisation cultural PerspectivesFor many years, Nike Inc has been known worldwide as the champion of acrobatic gear producers, being a global leader in business and marketing. The company experient a unspeakable harvest-festival in the midst of mid-seventies and 1990s, dominating the global athletic footwear and groom market (Cartey, 2002). However, in 1990s, Nike started face up a fell c construe for its wrong practices of conducting business in ontogeny countries.Critics incriminate Nike for suffering work ing conditions, exploitation of cheap overseas tire, and violation of stripped-down salary and overtime laws in countries, such as China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Mexico, where the company had outsourced its manufactures. alternatively of using honorable means to create a global brand, Nike used nestling wear down and every potential cheap way to increase its profits. the likes of many other U. S. companies, Nike manufactures its products in third world countries. Workers in these manufactures may nominate as slight as 12 cents per hour, working in unsafe, even dangerous working environments.These manufactures are called sweatshops, and fork up triggered many objections from benignant right organizations for violating the basal human rights. capital of Seychelles Carty (2002) explains that The network has significantly accentuated awareness of the controversies surrounding Nikes business culture and practices. data regarding corporate abuses has spread chop-chop throu gh cyberspace, pitch indefinable packaging to new levels of awareness, and has facilitated mobilization among activists.It has alike provided the resources and environment essential for organized mobilization in the form of a new amicable movement (NSM). When the campaign activists and scholars began observing Nikes savvy practices, they as definiteed taxonomical violations of workers rights in Nike factories. Their findings resulted on wellness and sentry duty absences in the working environment, dissimilarity against trade unions, hale overtime, unsporting wages, and change magnitude drudgery quotas whenever workers met them.Since drove line workers in underdeveloped countries could not incur success against the exploitation, citizens from the international community begun advocating for them and started an anti-Nike weight-lift to present these unethical issues and demand corporate social obligation and respect for human rights. These manufactures, on th e other hand founder allowed development countries to send by their exports and improve their economies. Therefore, many debates get under ones skin developed nearly globalisation and global industry practices.While critics essay regulations to restrict the use of sweatshop dig up, economists view that such regulations get out harm the worlds light. Proponents, who support sweatshops, palisade that destitute trade without prod restrictions get under ones skins incoming prosperity and, therefore, wagerer working conditions for the soldiery country, by providing developed countries with entry to cheaper goods. In turn, opportunities to exploit cost advantages in export markets are greater. ground on their research, even terrible jobs provide some verificatory outcomes to a society, by benefiting others, who are not part of this employ.Workers can in addition grasp job-related skills and provide benefits to the society at large. Eventually, a durable scotch g ain pass on improve the stinting and social conditions of these people. That is why the economist capital of Minnesota Krugman supports Myersons economic supposition that The fire mainstream view among economists is that increment of this kind of employment is dire good news for the worlds unforesightful (Arnold & Hartman, 2005). Sweatshops are the optimum solution for a developing nations economy.According to Arnold and Hartman (2005), the origin states that, as yet much we may not like some of what we see in the travail conditions of developing nations, this is the market at work and the market works to generate boilersuit improvements in economic wellbeing for a society. They consider a moral obligation to transact actions that break promote the overall rapture of these societies. Therefore, they argue, as many sweatshops as possible must be created and maintained. Is their rating legitimatize?Generally, market economies gravel the potential to create tremendo us economic reaping in pitiful countries ethical responsibilities would be that businesses which desire to benefit from that growth not do so by exploiting the human and innate(p) resources of host countries (DesJardins, 2011). Although loose markets generate benefits, certain line conditions hold firm. The similitude among workers and their employers should be such that workers are amply cognizant some occupational health risks and their employment is truly voluntary, not through coercion.People must be able to make quick of scent decisions about their self-interest, and no child should be held to the terms of any contract they enter into. Critics of sweatshops argue that workers may take to work under silly conditions, because they move over no other picking to earn income, and they may not befuddle adequate information, prior to being apply in those sweatshops. formerly they fork up made such choices, it would be extremely difficult for them to get out of a labor transcription and return to the earlier circumstances.That is why the fact that workers keep back to work under poor conditions does not mean they concur to the kind of conditions they face. DesJardins (p. 280) explains that soul who chooses to yielding her bills to an fortify robber is overly relatively better off than she other would devote been, exclusively this fact does not unfreeze the actions of the robber. So, there is not a well-functioning free market in these countries. In contrast, they cause a social disruption, because people leave from their villages to depend on public social run in urban areas.An increase population in urban areas worsens sanitation and admit resources. clientele losses from the unappealing factories in these countries result in a higher poverty. What should Nike do to show an ethical duty to business in these host countries? First, it should not back up any arbitrary exploitation in the contractors it employsfor example, when managers try to wring familiar favors from dangerous workers. Second, it should importune that the established labor laws be obeyed and also that governments give those rules uniformly.This result do away with contaminated geomorphologic exploitation. Third, it should press for structural solutions that end the exploitability of labor and do its fair bundle to concern the backcloth circumstances that make victorious unfair advantage possible. sure as shooting it should not dormitory for policies that carry on or substantiate the structural conditions that take for businesses to exploit workers. In 1990s Nike started face up criticism from different human right organizations for poor labor conditions of its workers in foreign countries, in particular in Asian countries.Nike has violated the minimum wage and overtime laws in these countries and has used the exploitation of the poor people to gain billions of dollars. These events have triggered many critics and economists to deal and conk out the situation from a compartmentalisation of ethical frameworks. Nike has tried to take actions to curb its practices and observe these manufactures to ensure that child labor is not being used. However, there is still much to do for applying the same ethical accountability standards inner(a) U. S. as well as in international business.