Saturday, August 31, 2019

Desert Hikers

According to John Muir, â€Å"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. † Desert hikers explore a desert for things such as different species of animals, a new environment or even a vacation. Not only for the enjoyment, but some may go out for business references. Regardless of, they must fully prepare themselves in order to survive in a desert. Inexperienced desert hikers do not fully prepare. Because some desert hikers are inexperienced, many dangers await them such as, the scorching heat, dangerous animals and getting lost.For instance, the scorching heat is probably the first danger desert hikers may face above all the others. Many inexperienced desert hikers know that it is blazing hot in the desert, but may not know the hours which to hike. To avoid much of the heat, hikers shouldn’t hike between the hours of noon and three. A heat stroke, caused by lack of water, is common to most hikers. Symptom’s associating with heat stokes are diz ziness and headaches. To avoid this, drinking plenty of water is good for the body because of the constant sweating.If not taken into caution, these inexperienced hikers could experience nausea and vomiting from the heat, causing them to have heat exhaustion. These inexperienced desert hikers also may not know that drinking lightly salted fluids can avoid cramps, due to all the walking. These are just a few elements of dangers due to the scorching heat in a desert. Another reason inexperienced desert hikers face danger is because they may not know the actual harm desert animals could bring. For example, rattlesnakes and sidewinders, which are the most common in a desert.These snakes are extremely poisonous. Most of these snakes are camouflage to the grass and sand, especially the sidewinders. They bury their bodies into the sand and have only their eyes and nostrils above the sand. Stepping on them, causing them to strike without warning, could lead to serious damage. And even thoug h scorpions are small, they are deadly. These are found in dark places such as wood and under rocks. Inexperienced desert hikers may not know that it is best to shake off clothing and boots before putting them on each time.These desert hikers need to be extremely careful because if bitten by any poisonous animal, medical attention is far away and could take miles to reach. This may lead to a result of death. Indeed, getting lost in a desert could propose a threat. Inexperienced desert hikers could easily get misplaced. Some hikers may know to get a book about hiking in a desert before rushing into the actual hiking trip, some may not. The book may give a few essentials on which can be useful. Like the compass for one.Inexperienced desert hikers may not know how to use or read one right off. This may take a learning process. Having a map and knowing major points of an area is a way to get back on trial. By using that map, these desert hikers could mark their starting points. For thes e reasons, getting lost is a possible threat if inexperienced desert hikers don’t take proper cautions. To conclude, inexperienced desert hikers should be aware of the scorching heat, getting lost, and the dangerous animals that await them.Wouldn’t you want to know? It’s very important to know the dangers of a desert and what to do to have a safer hike. Whether the trip is for enjoyment or just business, always knowing the proper precautions and guides it take to be safer is always a good benefit to hiking in a desert. Despite the numerous dangers reasons inexperienced desert hikers may face; planning ahead, taking time to learn and fully prepare could result in a more successful trip in the future.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Election 2013

Three Debatable Issues On November 6, 2012 American’s will have the opportunity to decide on the next President, current President, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. There are three major issues being debated during the 2012 election, which are same sex marriage, abortion and healthcare. Each candidate has an opposite stance on each issue being discussed. One of the hot button issues is same sex marriage. In 1996, Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act, which outlaws same sex marriage, and union between two men or two women.Currently ten states allow same sex marriage; five states recognize civil union and six have domestic partnerships. The election of 2012 will allow voters in eighteen states to decide on weather to add or ban same sex marriage. Obama is supportive on same sex marriage. Internally he struggles due to his Christian and social beliefs, however he publicly announced his endorsement on May 9, 2012. Obama, as our current President, doesn’t support the Defe nse of Marriage Act. He has directed his administration to stop defending the act in Courts. Romney is against same sex marriage.He believes marriage is between and woman and a man, going back 3000 years ago. He feels same sex marriage would destroy America and it’s youth. He is very supportive of Jones2 the Federal Marriage Amendment, which prohibits same sex marriage. Another major deciding issue is Abortion. Abortion is the purging of an unborn fetus, by choice or accident, in a woman’s womb. Abortion is a very highly debated as it touches on one’s right to live and one’s right to decide. In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled a woman has the right to abort her pregnancy.Romney is Pro-life, which rejects the idea of abortions based on religious, moral and ethnic grounds. He supports the rights of the unborn child. He previously supported a woman’s right to decide, however now is against abortions unless rap, incest or to save a mother’s life is involved. Obama is Pro-Choice, which takes away the governments involvement or influence and allows the mother to make the choice. He believes the government should not intrude on private family matter. The choice is given to mother to make this decision. Lastly, an issue that affects all Americans is taxes.Taxes are predetermined of money that each person has to pay on revenue-generated money. Romney supports a budget that will cut taxes for the middle class, people earing less than 200,000 a year, and individuals aged sixty five or older. He also proposes that he will remove taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains, which will in turn results in more money for the middle class. He will also remove the death tax, in which he states makes no sense a all. Current President Obama wants to work to make the tax fairer to the middle class and eliminate loopholes for the wealthy class.He is in favor of progressive tax system, which simplifies the tax code. This will allow for a more equal tax rate as currently people who make less money Jones3 could end up paying more in taxes than a wealthier person or family. Whether you agree or disagree with the issues stated previously, same sex marriage, abortion or taxes; we all have a choice to make. Each candidate has strong opposing views against each other. These topics can become a deal breaker for how our American people vote. Election 2013 Three Debatable Issues On November 6, 2012 American’s will have the opportunity to decide on the next President, current President, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. There are three major issues being debated during the 2012 election, which are same sex marriage, abortion and healthcare. Each candidate has an opposite stance on each issue being discussed. One of the hot button issues is same sex marriage. In 1996, Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act, which outlaws same sex marriage, and union between two men or two women.Currently ten states allow same sex marriage; five states recognize civil union and six have domestic partnerships. The election of 2012 will allow voters in eighteen states to decide on weather to add or ban same sex marriage. Obama is supportive on same sex marriage. Internally he struggles due to his Christian and social beliefs, however he publicly announced his endorsement on May 9, 2012. Obama, as our current President, doesn’t support the Defe nse of Marriage Act. He has directed his administration to stop defending the act in Courts. Romney is against same sex marriage.He believes marriage is between and woman and a man, going back 3000 years ago. He feels same sex marriage would destroy America and it’s youth. He is very supportive of Jones2 the Federal Marriage Amendment, which prohibits same sex marriage. Another major deciding issue is Abortion. Abortion is the purging of an unborn fetus, by choice or accident, in a woman’s womb. Abortion is a very highly debated as it touches on one’s right to live and one’s right to decide. In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled a woman has the right to abort her pregnancy.Romney is Pro-life, which rejects the idea of abortions based on religious, moral and ethnic grounds. He supports the rights of the unborn child. He previously supported a woman’s right to decide, however now is against abortions unless rap, incest or to save a mother’s life is involved. Obama is Pro-Choice, which takes away the governments involvement or influence and allows the mother to make the choice. He believes the government should not intrude on private family matter. The choice is given to mother to make this decision. Lastly, an issue that affects all Americans is taxes.Taxes are predetermined of money that each person has to pay on revenue-generated money. Romney supports a budget that will cut taxes for the middle class, people earing less than 200,000 a year, and individuals aged sixty five or older. He also proposes that he will remove taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains, which will in turn results in more money for the middle class. He will also remove the death tax, in which he states makes no sense a all. Current President Obama wants to work to make the tax fairer to the middle class and eliminate loopholes for the wealthy class.He is in favor of progressive tax system, which simplifies the tax code. This will allow for a more equal tax rate as currently people who make less money Jones3 could end up paying more in taxes than a wealthier person or family. Whether you agree or disagree with the issues stated previously, same sex marriage, abortion or taxes; we all have a choice to make. Each candidate has strong opposing views against each other. These topics can become a deal breaker for how our American people vote.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysis of a Cityscape: Blade Runner

‘Analyse the design of a cityscape in one film or television episode. ’ Nightmare visions of futuristic societies, or dystopias, are a major theme of the sci-fi genre and most post-1970s Hollywood films portraying these worlds embody a ‘crisis in US ideology’ at that time. These sci-fi films usually illustrate issues regarding: ‘environmental pollution, over-population, violent crimes, bureaucratic administration and economic exploitation’. They also represent the unrepresentable, showing us things that we can only otherwise imagine.In this essay I will attempt to explore the labyrinthian landscape of Ridley Scott’s 1982 sci-fi blockbuster Blade Runner, and consider the ways in which it mirrors the social, economic, and political context of the time in which it was made, as well as the socio-ecological consequences of contemporary problems such as war and pollution. I will also further explain how the film’s soundscape is essential to the meaning behind its narrative. The design of sci-fi frequently contains alien planets, foreign bodies, and space-age cityscapes, giving these spectacular fictional worlds an overall glossy, futuristic feel.Blade Runner is a scintillating world with a high-rise landscape, but closer examination reveals that structured within this milieu are metaphors of a dystopian society. Across the top of the skyscrapers are immense neon advertisements and television screens that project messages down for the people to see, showing that this is a world of complete industrialisation. These features provide primarily the main source of light throughout the city. The overall mise-en-scene is obscure and brooding, much like a late 40s and 50s film noir, and the contrast between light and dark here depicts repressed social fears of totalitarian control.The divide in society is evident when we look at the difference between the replicants and the humans. The replicants feel safer on the decayed s treets and adopt working-class lifestyles, for example, Leon works in a run-down hotel, while Zhora works as a stripper in Chinatown. Deckard, in contrast, lives high above the crowded streets, protected by high-tech security devices. Police crafts also hover above, beaming down their probing lights and surveilling the people below. The Cold War period consisted mostly of spying and tense international relations between the US and the Soviet Union.It is almost like Orson Welles’ Big Brother, where no one is free and everyone is constantly being watched by a ruling intellectual force. The theme of paranoia therefore comes into play here; the omnipresence of the police force is a visual motif of corporate power. The superstructures that we see dwarf the smaller, decrepit buildings and crumbling architecture; this binary opposition thus creates a high/low spatial allegory for the lower class- the workers who live below in the post-apocalyptic streets, depressed and dehumanized; and the elite- those who live in high-rise apartments above the rest of the city, benefiting from the labourers.Like in Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927), the difference between the elite and the masses is virtually dramatised by this spatial opposition and the concept of the upper class is literalised. The vertical architecture serves as metaphor for a hierarchy of evil power and is a symbol of economic inequality and corruption, intrinsic with a society that is out of kilter. Fears revolving around race, space, and social class are therefore structured within these thematic elements.Figure 1 (page 6) shows the pyramid of the capitalist system of the early 20th century. People of America believed that anyone could become wealthy and enjoy good lives by working hard – this was the American Dream. Sadly, capitalism reared its ugly head and citizens soon discovered that this economic system benefits only those at the top of that pyramid- ‘the winners gain at the expen se of the mass of losers’. It reflects the philosophy of Orthodox Marxism, where economic base determines cultural and political structure. Who then controls this vast city?As stated in Antonio Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony, a culturally diverse society can be dominated by one social class, by manipulating the social culture (beliefs, perceptions, values) so that its ruling-class worldview is imposed as the societal norm, which is then perceived as a universally valid ideology beneficial to all of society, but in fact benefits only the ruling class. The biggest and most dominating of structures within this cityscape are in fact two pyramids, home to none other than Eldon Tyrell, head of the Tyrell Corporation.Pyramids are archetypal Egyptian symbols of power and immortality. Rising high up within this city, they denote a future of affluence and progress, and technological triumph. Tyrell’s office is laden with rich items, golden statues and intricately c arved pillars. Yet it is the cinematography techniques here that are key to representing this majestic interior. The warm, golden hues are a stark contrast to the rest of the city that we have been exposed to. The fact that Tyrell’s office is located so high up is an indication that people who live in the highest, most prestigious places are clearly elites.They are at the top of the hierarchical â€Å"pyramids† of economic or political structures- they are the ruling force of society. Since the dropping of the atomic bomb in 1945, science fiction has portrayed dystopias to show the massively destructive capacity of certain scientific developments. These nightmare visions are society’s fears over these developments. Science fiction explores a darker side of science, articulating real fears about advances in areas such as nuclear power or genetic modification.More recently, the Cold War had reached its peak in the 1980s, and the corporate evil seen in Blade Runner echoes a ‘growing weariness of the cold war and anti-communist attitudes that had been festering since the wars in Korea, Vietnam, and later’. The tone of this period of history was incredibly pessimistic, with the continuous danger of nuclear war looming over the world. This cynicism about the future of mankind and of the planet is clearly seen in Blade Runner. ‘The information age was a time where computers and electronics replaced the heavy industry of the modernist period, and political control was applied through mass media.Information became a commodity, and films that portray these spectacles show them as developments that pose challenges to society. They also correspond to contemporary crises developing in the US throughout the 1980s, for example, use of the media to portray political messages’. Anxiety over scientific and technological advancements is central to most science fiction films and is a very apparent theme when examining the cityscape o f Blade Runner; from vast television screens, to vertical strata, to the Voight-Kampff machine.They serve as a warning to society over the compulsion to force science and technology to create what is hoped to be a utopia for all, but in fact ends up dominating everything and everyone to the point where people are no longer free. The final aspect of the design in Blade Runner regards the soundscape of the film. Produced by Greek composer Vangelis, the film’s score owes a lot to the meaning behind its narrative. The film’s genre is part cyber-punk, part film noir, and through orchestral instruments and unique electronic sounds, he creates a sense of eeriness or alienation.Most of the music heard is quite ambient, but rather static with no real drive or pinnacle. However, within this ambient structure is a diverse range of musical styles, for example, Jazz is heard frequently- an old-fashioned film noir effect, stereotypically associated with subjugated urban settings, bu t also more commonly linked to intimate moments, such as the growing love between Deckard and Rachael. However, it is also somewhat melancholic at times and works as a sign of doom, insinuating that things will not end well.A recurring musical symbol is the sound of bells; church bells connote religion, and this is often heard on the top floor of the pyramidal Tyrell building, implying that Tyrell is a powerful, god-like figure. In terms of the film overall, there are very few moments when there is complete silence; even when there is music missing from a scene, sound effects emanating from the environment are usually present, for instance, it constantly rains throughout the film, so rain is heard repeatedly, indicative of the depressed and forlorn atmosphere.The reputable vertical intensity of Los Angeles’ landscape depicts the power relations intrinsic within the cityscape of Blade Runner. It provides us with a picture of decay and abandonment associated with a dystopian wo rld. It is more nightmare than vision, more anxiety than hope, expressing social fears of racial, political, and economic crisis, as well as the perils of advanced technology, whether it be through genetic engineering or a Voight-Kampff invasion of humanity. In the end, it is the verticality of the cityscape which ultimately defines the purpose of Ridley Scott’s arbitrary dystopia. Bibliography Bullock, A. , and Trombley, S. (eds), The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought (Third Edition), Harper Collins, Canada, 1999 Carper, S. , â€Å"Subverting the Disaffected City: Cityscape in Blade Runner† in Retrofitting Blade Runner: Issues in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner and Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Judith B. Kerman (ed) Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1991 David Desser, ‘Race, Space, and Class: The Politics of Cityscapes’, in Alien Zone II, p. 82 Heldreth, L. G. and Kerman, J. B. (ed), â₠¬ËœThe Cutting Edges of Blade Runner’ in Retrofitting Blade Runner: Issues in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner and Philip K.Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Bowling Green University Popular Press, Bowling Green, Ohio, 1991 40-52 Kellner, D. , Leibowitz, F. , and Ryan, M. , ‘Blade Runner: A diagnostic critique’, in Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media, no. 29, February 1984 King, G. , and Krzywinska, T. ,Science Fiction Cinema, London: Wallflower Press, 2000 Prince, S. ,Visions of Empire: Political Imagery in Contemporary American Film, Greenwood Publishing Group, New York, 1992 Sammon, Paul M. â€Å"The Making of Blade Runner. † Cinefantastique 12 (1982): 20-47 Stiller, A. and Kerman, J. B. ed) â€Å"The Music in Blade Runner† in Retrofitting Blade Runner: Issues in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner and Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin, 1997. Pages 196-200 Websites Kurt Bullock, Vertical Apocalypse: Altered Noir Cityscape within Blade Runner’s Dystopia: http://soma. sbcc. edu/users/DaVega/FILMST_101/FILMST_101_FILMS/Bladerunner/Vertical%20Apocalypse_Bullock. pdf Fig. 1 taken from http://www. aaronblake. co. uk/blog/2010/03/08/the-pyramid-of-the-capitalist-system/) ‘Paranoia and cynicism in Blade Runner’ in American Cinema: 1960-Present: http://amcinema1960present. ordpress. com/category/second-student-post/page/11/ (Fig. 1) ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Douglas Kellner, Flo Leibowitz, and Michael Ryan, ‘Blade Runner: A diagnostic critique’ from Jump Cut, pp. 6-8 [ 2 ]. Geoff King and Tanya Krzywinska, Science Fiction Cinema, p. 64 [ 3 ]. Ibid, p. 73 [ 4 ]. Sammon, Paul M. â€Å"The Making of Blade Runner†, Cinefantastique: 20-47 [ 5 ]. Kurt Bullock, Vertical Apocalypse: Altered Noir Cityscape within Blade Runner’s Dystopia, p. 1 [ 6 ]. ibid [ 7 ]. David Desser, ‘Race, Space, and Class: The Politics of Cityscapes’, in Alien Zone II, p. 82 [ 8 ].The Pyramid of the Capitalist System- http://www. aaronblake. co. uk/blog/2010/03/08/the-pyramid-of-the-capitalist-system [ 9 ]. Alan Bullock and Stephen Trombley (eds), The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought, pp. 387–88. [ 10 ]. Geoff King and Tanya Krzywinska, Science Fiction Cinema, p. 17 [ 11 ]. ‘Paranoia and cynicism in Blade Runner’ in American Cinema: 1960-Present-http://amcinema1960present. wordpress. com/category/second-student-post/page/11/ [ 12 ]. Stephen Prince, Visions of Empire: Political Imagery in Contemporary American Film, p. 167 [ 13 ]. Leonard Heldreth, ‘The Cutting Edges of Blade Runner’, pp. 40-52

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Megacities in Asia - City report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Megacities in Asia - City report - Essay Example Tokyo’s population growth has been influenced by the availability of jobs that lure Japanese citizens to move in to work in the industries. Despite the city’s area being 0.6% of total Japan landmass, the city holds approximately 10% of total japan population. The large population in the city makes Tokyo the most densely populated prefecture in Japan. However, like the whole of Japan, the city is characterized by an ageing population. The birth rate is low thus growth in population is almost zero. For example, in 2010, there were 109000 births and 104000 deaths. This implied that the population grew by only 4000 for the whole year (Tokyo Metropolitan Government). In the same year, the child population (ages 0 – 14) was 1.477 million labor force (ages 15 – 64) at 8.85 million and finally the aged populace (ages 65 and over) at 2.642 million. The figures can be simplified into percentages to 11.4%, 68.2% and 20.4% respectively. Tokyo is characterized by light industries that are comprised of electronics, and manufacturing of agricultural chemicals and products. Moreover, the city is more of managerial city that houses the offices of many companies in other areas in japan. Most heavy industries are located outside in the prefectures surrounding Tokyo and also other cities such as Fukushima and Osaka. Japan is a heavily industrialized country. Thus, Tokyo offers a center where stock trade is done. The Tokyo stock exchange takes the second position in the world after New York. In 2013, the stock exchange market was US$4.5 trillion. This depicts Tokyo as a major economic center in Japan and the world (Clark 164). The per capita income of japan is one of the highest in the word. Tokyo, being the biggest city in terms of GDP in the world, enjoys a high per capita income of $55766. This is relatively higher than that of the whole country because of the high GDP of Tokyo is in excess of $837 billion. Education in Tokyo

Perform a Limited Risk Managment Study Coursework - 1

Perform a Limited Risk Managment Study - Coursework Example Privacy invasion: Using P2P networks or applications may give unauthorized users access to personal data either, by accessing personal directories or users give private information to whom they believe to be a trusted source or organization. When Medical or financial information, sensitive individual or corporate data is compromised, users are vulnerable to identity theft (Bidgoli, 2004). Vulnerability: Several P2P networks and applications ask users to open certain ports on the computers firewall to share files. Opening this ports provide attackers with channels to attack the user’s computer by utilizing any susceptibilities that may exist in the P2P connection. Service Denial: Downloading media files raise the capacity of traffic across the network. This may restrain the user’s internet access or inhibit the availability of certain applications in the user’s computer. The best ways to avoid these risks is by refraining from P2P networks and applications, but if a user insists on using them, they should have a proper and up to date antivirus program and they should have installed and enabled a firewall on their

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Performance Management and Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Performance Management and Organizations - Essay Example Mullins (2005) contends that organizations comprise 'people, objectives, structures' and 'management'. Managing human resources, keeping the shareholders in good humor, organizing funds for new business ventures, planning out marketing strategies are all parts of the management which require more than the copy book style of management. External: These are the factors on which an organization may not be able to exert much of its control. These include, the legal and political scene prevailing within the state/ country of its operations, number and types of competitors, suppliers in the market, terms and conditions from financial institutions, alternative products available in the market, newer technological innovations etc. Strategists are supposed to take care of these factors by planning appropriate responses. Worthington (2006) places greater importance on political developments occurring at different levels - local, national and international. Organizations resort to strategic planning to take care of these factors and Organizations learn a lot from there environment and prevailing circumstances. But the strategic intent alone cannot be planned all in advance. It has to be a continuous evolutionary process depending upon the experiences. Henry Ford said, "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"1 Organizations too adapt their strategies according to the prevailing circumstances and the overall business scenario. Organizations and their management are not supposed to indulge in politics and the power-game. But the management is at the same time required to carry the organization through the ups and downs of the times. Butcher & Clarke (2003) state that 'managers often seem to struggle with their role'. There are times when managers are confronted with paradoxical situations. Under such circumstances, the theories and relevant prescription might appear to be insufficient for their needs. Such circumstan ces require some amount of political acumen on the part of the management. Globalisation has in fact provided wings to MNCs for exploring newer vistas of business opportunities, dealing with newer sets of customers and governments. In order to leverage the economies of scale some MNCs prefer to outsource their services from Europe and US to countries like India, China (Bracken, 2004). This type of business is full of risk as it involves handing over a crucial task to people who are nowhere near the customs/ cultures of the organization, involves taking political risks both at home as well as in foreign lands. Quite a few political objections have been raised against the outsourcing decisions by some companies; as such steps are resulting in an increase in unemployment in those countries from where these services are being outsourced. On the other hand this step is resulting in more employment generation in the countries which are the outsourcing destinations. Such voices have also b een 'managed' well by the management of the companies in outsourcing business, which could not have been done without some first hand experience of political maneuverability. The political establishment is

Monday, August 26, 2019

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Strategic Plan Assignment

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Strategic Plan - Assignment Example The second reason is the indications that the program will seek to improve the resilience and safety of water infrastructure, as well as the communities. The program also provides a guideline that will facilitate transportation of trade commodities on the coastal channels of the nation as well as inland waterways. The plan will also protect, restore and manage aquatic ecosystems that will benefit the entire country (US Army Corps of Engineers, 2014). After an assessment of the likely advantages of the project, I realize that it is suitable for sustainable water resources management in the country. However, there is a need that the public supports the program to ensure that it succeeds. GPRA requires that strategic plans have six components, which U.S. Army Corps of Engineers fully submitted. The first requirement is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers should have a comprehensive mission statement. For this case, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has a statement that is to deliver vital engineering for military and public management services. The mission also seeks to provide partnerships in peace and war to energize the American economy and strengthen the security of the country (General Accounting Ofï ¬ ce, 1997). The second requirement by GPRA is that the agency should have long-term objectives and goals for all critical functions of operations. The next item is the organization should provide strategies that will ensure the attainment of the set goals and objectives as well as those that it targets annually. Considerably, the strategic plan of the institution will occur for both long and short-term projects. There are also mechanisms laid down that will ensure tha t the set objectives become a reality. At the same time, there are relationships between the long-term plans and the annual goals. The latter point is in line with GPRA’s fourth requirement of the institution.An analysis of the strategic plan indicates that it adheres to the fifth element of GPRA, which is the identification of critical factors that are external to the agency and may affect attainments of the set plans. In addition, there is the need that all strategic plans have a description of the program evaluations used to revise or establish the strategic plans. Considerably, the program is appropriate because it satisfies all the six fields that GPRA requires and works in accordance with the constitution. For this case, the plan is in line with Paperwork Reduction Act 1995 as well as the Clinger-Cohen Act that aim to increase efficiency. For this case, there is a consideration that the public should support the project because of the provision for the fifth element of the GPRA requirements.   

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Research Paper - Essay Example Critics of the global warming phenomenon argue that global warming is in fact not an environmental crisis but a manufactured issue artificially created for a variety of unsavory and politically-inspired reasons. Despite the shrinking number of detractors, global warming is a phenomenon which affects our planet every single day. Seeking to address global warming, this research paper will provide a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the global warming phenomenon. We will begin with a discussion of the evidence in support of global warming and explore the connection between global warming and climate change. Since we aim to provide an accessible analysis of what global warming actually is, we will then analyze the causes and effects of this recent international phenomenon. Following this, and with an eye to the impact of global warming on the state of California, we will explore the possible consequences to the United States of the continuation of global warming. Global warming and climate change are two terms which are often used interchangeably. Has a link between global warming and climate change been established? Yes, global warming is caused by an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As we shall see below, the effects of global warming include changes in atmospheric temperatures and rainfall, which can lead to climate change (Arnella & Reynardb 1996: 397). Global warming is most generally described as an average increase in the Earth’s temperatures. Importantly, global warming is not only a present phenomenon but is perceived as something which is expected to continue and increase annually. Global warming is the reputed cause of climate change on an international scale leading to extreme weather, ranging from uncharacteristic snowfall in autumn to extremely mild winter temperatures, major changes to precipitation trends, glacial

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Financial Accounting questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Accounting questions - Assignment Example With goodwill, new avenues open up for the company and it’s able to tap into fresh opportunities. Clients of a company are usually more willing to forgive it when it makes a mistake if it has built a good relationship with them. If a company ever needs to liaise with others or expand or sell, with goodwill it’s much easier to get partners and buyers for the business due to the trust placed in it. Goodwill places the company ahead of competition as customers are more likely to favour the company with goodwill when making a decision on which products and services to consume (Weil, Schip & Francis, 2014). As interest rates rise, prices of bonds fall and when interest rates drop, bond prices rise. This is due to the concept of opportunity cost. Investors compare the returns they are getting on their present investments to other investments in the market. A bond coupon rate is fixed; therefore investors are ready to pay extra or less for a bond depending on how attractive the interest rates. Suppose a company offers a new issue of bonds carrying a 7%coupon which is $70 a year in interest. If you purchase a $1000, then later, interest rates go up to 8%, it means the interest will be $80 and buyers will be less willing to pay the face value of $1000 for the bond and you would have to offer it at a discount. However, if interest rates fell, it would be more attractive to prospective buyers as it would be carrying a higher interest rate than whatever is already in the market. Leasing might be preferred by a company because it eases up the cash flow of the company that can be directed to other operating activities. It also takes a shorter time compared to purchasing which involves a long and tedious procurement process. With leasing, the costs are spread over a long time and can thus be matched to the company’s income. The interest rates are agreed upon beforehand hence

Friday, August 23, 2019

Companys Business Foundation and Deliberate Threats to Information Sy Assignment - 8

Companys Business Foundation and Deliberate Threats to Information Systems - Assignment Example These two threats to the foundation of a company are specific in threatening the company’s survival as both a sustainable entity and a competitive rival to other companies as well. In a revelation of these threats, CSOs should be aware that rival companies and/or private groups can use espionage as a means to acquire the company information illegally. While the issue of espionage may be addressed as an external threat, in most cases, CIOs should be aware that internal activities exposing critical information to employees can lead to espionage. This means that through an illegal acquisition of that information, employees in firms can facilitate the damaging of the business foundation of the company by selling the information to rivals. Additionally, information extortion is another area where CSOs should be aware of when it comes to business foundation. In order to secure a company’s business foundation, the CSO should be aware that illegal access to information can lead to corporate blackmail. This process involves a hacker or a holder of sensitive information who agrees to give up information or not to disclose it for a fee. The motive of information extortion is to create value by pointing out the possible losses that would be incurred if the information was accessed by rival companies Information (Security, pp. 103-104). CSOs must be equipped with the information regarding the value of the company data and how such information can be harmful if it was lost or accessed by unauthorized personnel. When CSOs are aware of the information value, two primary corporate cyber threats are considered. Firstly, the CSO should be aware that information loss can result from sabotage and vandalism. Although companies do not have social enemies, they have financial rivals who thrive to push as many of their competitors out of business. By damaging or rendering a company’s information database unusable, a company is unable to move on as it has to accommodate all direct losses, lawsuits, and possible closures (Information Security, pp. 104-105).

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hr in Action Case Incident Essay Example for Free

Hr in Action Case Incident Essay 1.Mr. Fisher made a number of mistakes, the first being his trying to set up and run a company in the American way. He did not investigate the local laws and cultures to see what, if any differences there would be in areas of sales and employment. He did not consider local taxing rules where foreigners have to have special visas and taxes are paid to maintain and keep those visas. He obviously does not understand that the cultural attitudes toward work are not the same as in the United States. The walk about person is not unusual and should not be dismissed out of hand. The laws in Germany are very different and very clear, so not educating himself on these issues was a bad move. 2.He should have gone through local agencies to receive guidance on the laws of employment and the hiring of employees. By turning over the hiring job, with his final approval, to professionals in the local market, he may have attracted more viable candidates. Additionally, in many areas, finding a job in the paper is not the way professionals work. Using expatriates is good, but only if you are aware of local laws concerning them and use them in the appropriate manner. Even an expatriate may have had better luck in the hiring process. Also, being out of country is difficult at best and not compensating for time and needs is one way to lose valuable employees. Situations of rental property, differences in pricing and exchange rates, issues such as family and insurance and health care are all part of having expatriates. The company HR must be prepared to deal with these issues and concerns before the person is sent overseas, preferably with some training in local cultures and needs of the community they are going to work in. 3.At this point, he should contact the best local employment firms and tell them the problems he has had, what the needs of the company and the employees are, and seek their guidance in correcting the problems that have been created. He should listen to their guidance and use his own research to come up with a firm HR plan to meet the company needs and then convey that to the employment firm, the employees from the United States, and the local employees, so everyone has the same plan of action and knowledge of what the company expects. A Standard Operating Procedure manual would not hurt here as well.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Perfume Essay Example for Free

Perfume Essay This essay will compare and contrast the various methods used by the author and director of the novel Perfume. Perfume, written by Patrick Suskind and adapted by Tom Tykwer, is a dramatic, crime thriller about the life of a murderer. Born and raised in Paris, Jean-Baptiste survives the most gruelling childhood; his father unknown and mother executed for attempting to kill him, rejected by the wet nurses in the village and when finally taken in by Madame Gaillard at the orphanage, the children endeavour to kill him. They fear he is dangerous because of his lack of personal scent. However Grenouille survives through even their best efforts, survives the measles, dysentery, chicken pox and cholera. It is clear that this child is special not only because of his amazing ability to endure the most appalling conditions but also because of his exceptionally talented sense of smell. The title â€Å"Perfume† gives the reader/viewer a good idea of what to expect from the very beginning. Trying to translate Grenouille’s olfactory language into visual picture was from the beginning a mammoth task than is expertly accomplished by the director through the use of audio and several visual components. It is however much easier to do in a book because the reader can be manipulated through their personal experience with smell. Therefore from this point the book is mildly better even though it is at a disadvantage because the reader has no visual aid. The main themes of Perfume are black humour, emotionally/mentally challenged people, hatred of humanity and seeing importance in others life only when they affect your own. These themes are portrayed well throughout both the book and film. The most prominent is seeing importance in others life only when they affect your own. For example, Madame Gaillard dies in a tragic way shortly after she sells Grenouille. In the book she dies of cancer in a crowded bed, in the film she is slit at the throat as she returns home. Monsieur Grimal falls into the river on his way home from celebrating the sale of Grenouille. Giuseppe Baldini’s house falls into the river not long after Grenouille leaves for Grasse. All these deaths symbolise that Grenouille can only value human life if it has something to reward him with; when this is done they no longer exist in his mind. This also explains why Grenouille can kill the innocent girls, take what he wants and leave without feeling any remorse for his actions. One of the best adapted scenes is the opening chapter, Grenouille’s birth. Suskind does an extended description of the putrid place where Grenouille was born. â€Å"The streets stank of manure, the courtyards of urine, the stairwells stank of mouldering wood and rat droppings, the kitchens of spoiled cabbage and mutton fat†, this quote goes on for a considerable amount of time yet it is necessary because there is so many rotten smells included that everyone can relate to at least one. This provokes the reader to think of the most revolting smells they have ever experienced and then try to imagine them worse. In the film, Tykwer uses a fast moving, rolling shot to show the reader the various scents that inhabit the area. And he uses shots of typically revolting objects such as rats, fish guts, sick and rotting vegetables. These smells are relatable to humans and so the viewer can appreciate how bad it smells, however this may not be as powerful as the smell that the human imagination can fabricate from the book. Also he employs the sound of a heartbeat and rapid breathing of the new-born babe to humanise the situation and to portray the struggle the baby has to survive. The heartbeat makes us anxious and so we wonder whether the baby will survive. The baby breathing rapidly makes us question if it can continue. However regardless of this the baby lets out a scream. The audio effects stop and this could symbolise that as soon as the baby chose to live it ended the life of his mother and shows that the world is not the same. Obviously some scenes from the book have had to be cut to stay within a reasonable screen time, one of the scenes cut is the scientific study that is carried out on Grenouille nevertheless this is not missed and the film makes up for such scenes in other aspects. One of the biggest advantages the film has over the book is that it can use the best actors suited to the role. The actor that plays Grenouille, Ben Whishaw is perfectly suited to the character. He has a childlike voice that represents his innocence, not that his soul is innocent but because he has been void of all love for his whole life. His life was only valued by those wanted something from him. His character is also very good because his expression can be changed in an instant. In one scene he can appear helpless and angelic while in another he can be closer to the devil than a human. The way he sets himself into the role is nothing less than perfect; he scuttles as he should, hunches as he should and does everything as weirdly as is should be. Grenouille is a disturbing character and this is very well portrayed by the actor. In the book Grenouille doesn’t say much because the book is written in third person. This is used so that the reader can get close into the minds of all the characters instead of being limited to one. This also means that we can observe events happening in all the different places. In the film this is done through the use of a narrator. However the narrator does tend to disclose information that as viewers might have preferred to interpret ourselves. So even though the narrator is used in both the book and film the effects are far better in the book. To conclude, there are many similarities between the book and film adaption of Perfume that are equally as good as each other but some aspects such as the narrator are stronger in the book. Equally particular aspects of the film are better, for instance the ability to use actors. One of the primary differences is the character change of Grenouille from book to film. The book shows him as a conniving parasite that is very good at manipulating people. The film shows a man who is unaware of the effects of his actions and is somewhat innocent. The strongest parts of the book are the descriptions of the in-depth break down of the various scents and how deep into Grenouille’s mind the reader gets, since spoken language is not Grenouilles strength. The best bits of the film are casting decisions and the superb adaption that captures the soul of the book and enhances it through captivating music and images. It’s like smelling with your eyes.

Music Essays Concept of Music

Music Essays Concept of Music Concept of music Journal Entry for Reading The given article clearly describes the concept of music and has helped me in understanding the music. According to my perception regarding the article, Music is a kind of art and environment. It is an art of transcription of sounds in time for creating a continuous, integrated and resonant composition with the assistance of melody, harmony, rhythm and timbre. It is a combination of pleasing and harmonious sounds. It helped me in understanding the basic constituents of a musical composition. I have become able to understand that it is an eminent part of all the living beings. Music has its presence everywhere, in every creature and in different forms. It provides relaxation to the mind. When I feel very tired and I use to hear music. It provides relaxation and energy to my body. Firstly, I was introduced to music at my school. I learned singing as well as playing harmonium at that time. After that, I learned music at a summer camp. My music teacher was surprised with my understanding of music and the abilities of learning music at a faster pace in comparison to my fellows. I really love music and want to become a singer in near future. For the achievement of my goal, I am working hard towards learning the skills. Journal Entry for Music Controversies The genre of music can be classified into two categories, i.e. good or bad. With the assistance of this, the content of the genre of music can be evaluated. Different kinds of music are present world wide in different cultures. Music differs from one culture to another. The different genres of music act as the web around the culture of the respective country. The music videos forecasted on different television channels are not according to the ethical standards of the society. The videos show vulgarity, which puts negative impact on the society. The growing multinational companies in music industry, and the utilization of independent record labels for the survival in the market by these companies has negatively impacted the young listeners. The young listeners are tending towards excessive use of drugs and violence after watching such controversial music records of rap, rock n roll, etc (Dalton, 2008). In the past few years, there is an increase in the listening of rap music by youths in America, which has led to an increase in crimes such as robberies, murders, rapes, etc. The rap music has led to social and political controversies. The critics have suggested proposing laws against such controversial cases and government has implemented security review for warning labels on records. Tupac was a critic of the system. He revealed the critical situations related to the system in his poetry. His work was mainly focusing on the lifestyles of ghetto and social militant engaged in activism. His lyrics were about the problems existing in the society and the conflicts due to racism. The listening of music is fine, but the images displayed on the television and copying them by the youths and children are the controversial aspects of music. Journal Entry for Movies Music plays a significant role in movies. Whether it is a play, drama, or a movie, all of them are incomplete without musical compositions. We can consider the example of the movie ‘Amadeus’ in which a child has a possession to become a famous composer. The life cycle to become a great composer and the twist in life of the hero are shown with very effective combination of musical tracks. The movie shows the courage of the director towards the life of Mozart and becomes successful in producing curiosity in the viewers towards music (Amadeus, 2008). In the movie ‘Dearly Beloved’, spiritual music has been composed by the composer and the movie shows a romantic mixture with musical lyrics. Music is present everywhere from the ancient time and it is integrated to nature. The movie ‘Phantom of the Opera’ is composed with classic silent version of the music, which shows a visual percept for the movie. The movie also presents a musical mystery. The basic requirement of any movie is an effective combination of sound effects with musical compositions. Music composed in the movies is the auditory art form, which can make the movie successful. The creativity of musicians and composers makes the music records successful in the industry. Journal Entry for Music in Puerto Rico African and European formation of music has a great influence on the music of Puerto Rico. It is famous world wide and mostly in the Caribbean region. The music of Puerto Rico has different genres, such as native genres: decimal and seis, and folk music genres: salsa, rock, danza, bomba, plena, etc. Each genre produces different and unique pitch and tone. The musical composers utilize different genres for composing music of movies related to love tragedies, and different stories conveying moral lessons. There are various radio stations in Puerto Rico. Among them, only one radio station carries classical music. The rap and hip hop music genres negatively influence the society. The criminal activities and actions increase in the society. The people will deviate from the cultural values and loose their old traditional roots (Welcome to Puerto Rico, 2008). The music industry of Puerto Rico must have to concentrate on its native and folk music genres instead of external music genres from different countries. The youth should be motivated towards learning classical music and promoting the original music genres of Puerto Rico world wide. The culture of Puerto Rico is mainly shaped by the music. The music of Puerto Rico has evolved out of the combination of other cultures with a distinctive tone of music. Thus, the Puerto Rican music should focus on its traditional music to bind the people and the cultural values in the society, as contemporary music has provided many popular stars like Ricky Martin, Olga Tanon, etc. with name and fame in the world of music. References Amadeus (2008). Retrieved August 23, 2008, from Dalton, C. (2008). Controversy between Rap Music Society. Retrieved August 23, 2008, from Welcome to Puerto Rico (2008). Retrieved August 23, 2008, from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Beowulf as a Hero Essay -- Seamus Heaney

The poem, Beowulf, by Seamus Heaney, depicts Beowulf as a perfect hero. Beowulf is the mythical son of Edgetho and later becomes the king of the Geats. In the poem, Beowulf's shows heroism in two different phases of his life, youth and old age. Throughout the poem, Beowulf faces three difficult conflicts with Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon. Throughout the novel Beowulf is a noted and respected warrior from Geatland. During Beowulf's youth, he is considered to be a great warrior, portrayed by his strength, courage, and bravery. Beowulf begins his legacy in Denmark with an evil monster, Grendel. Grendel is ruining King Hrothgar's kingdom and is ritually tormenting him. The monster breaks into the castle and eats as many of Hrothgar's men as he can hold each night. King Hrothgar calls Beowulf for help because the king has tried everything else. Beowulf arrives with a ship of his warriors to help King Hrothgar in stopping Grendel. King Hrothgar accepts Beowulf's pledge to kill Grendel. Beowulf pledges to face Grendel with, "no weapons, therefore, for either this night; unarmed he shall face me if face me he dares" (47). When Beowulf meets Grendel he fights barehanded and rips his arm off. Beowulf comes back with Grendel's arm. It is hung in the battle hall as a trophy of Beowulf's bravery, courage, and victory over the monster. Beowulf's defeat of Grendel certifies his reputation for bravery and es tablishes him as a full hero. Even though Grendel is dead, the danger has not passed. Grendel's mother comes to King Hrothgar's battle hall. She retrieves, "their trophy, Grendel's bloodied hand" (91). Hrothgar is very disappointed and calls on the hero, Beowulf, once again. Beowulf travels with his men to the fiery lake whe... ...he only one left of the WaegmundingsÂ…Now I must follow them" (189). Wiglaf is the only warrior who stayed to help Beowulf, the rest fled. Therefore, Beowulf leaves Wiglaf to rule his kingdom. Beowulf should be considered a hero because he gives his life to keep his kingdom safe. Beowulf is a great warrior, portrayed by his strength, courage, and bravery. Beowulf also exemplifies the manner and values dictated by the Germanic heroic code. He is considered to be both a warrior and a king. When Beowulf encounters the dragon, the responsibilities of being king are thrown. He must act for the good of his people, not just for his own glory. Throughout the poem, Beowulf holds a good reputation and is respected by the people. Works Cited Beowulf. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed M H Abrams, et al. Vol. 1. Sixth ed. NY: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1993.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Sparkles, Dancing, Jumping, and Music great combination or do you not agree? Figure Skating as a result was mashed up together to create such a beautiful but dangerous sport. Skating as a Winter Olympic sport has a long history and even with the proper equipment can be dangerous. Figure skating was originated in Europe, it was first stared by an American though named Jackson Haines. Jackson was born in New York in 1840 and died in 1875 in Finland from Tuberculosis. There was a big skating/dancing craze they called it because it swept America because of the combination that Haines did with bringing Dance into the rink. There was local skating clubs that had been formed and also competitions but nothing serious was made from it until some years after the 19th century. In 1921 was when Figure skating was made and officially created from a Skating Association (known as U.S. Figure Skating). When the Association was made later on through the years more associations made and now there are more than 600 association's throughout the country. Until the early '20s there were no standards set for you to be able to compete or to perform. Today there is there are tests, figure, free skating, moves in the field, pair, dance and synchronized team skating all of it is measured and judged by a lot of the different branches of the associations of the sport. It is said that over the years no other country has won more Figure Skating medals or been more passionate about the sport more than the United States. About all the attention went to the women's singles, because the U.S. Women have won seven Olympic titles, and some have transformed from Ice Princesses into Entertainment Icons. One of the women is Sasha Cohen she won a silver medal, Sarah H... ...which could take forever to put on. It takes a lot of labor to make a single dress, Longmire who has been designing costumes says that they have to be constructed carefully for close-up photography. Longmire says that it is basically a bathing suit because its just a one piece outfit. Figure skating has it's interesting history, also it has it's danger zones, and it has it's beautiful equipment which makes the whole experience amazing. The History is long and full of very bright and great icons that have made there mark on the ice. The Dangers can also teach you what the risks are before you try something so you know the consequences. The Equipment is what makes the whole performance come alive and it will make you, you if you had your personality to the outfit and the right touch to everything. Figure skating can be something interesting, dangerous, and fun to do.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Role of Genetic Engineering in our Society Essay -- Technology Sci

The Role of Genetic Engineering in our Society With today's technology in genetic engineering, it seems we can almost play God. Scientifically speaking, are we enabling our bodies to survive all the traumas of a hostile environment, or are we endangering future generations to a limiting gene pool? Spiritually speaking, are we improving our bodies to save more of God's people, or are we attempting to "perfect" God's creation, and damning ourselves? The technology of genetic engineering is advancing at a dizzying pace, but is the morality at which we guide our use of this technology evolving quickly enough? The potentials of modifying our genes seem irresistible. Everything from cystic fibrosis to AIDS seems to be preventable, and we could possibly design our children to be healthier in the future. But nature always finds a way to elude our defense mechanisms. As polio seemed to fade from our world, AIDS became the new terror. We are one step from protecting ourselves from this immune system destroyer, but then, who knows what nature will strike us down with next? We must also confront the question of our faith. It is easy to justify improving our genes to save the lives of fellow human beings. How can we let a person grow up knowing s/he is going to suffer from epileptic seizures when we could have prevented it at birth? Wouldn't God want us to help these people? On the other hand, would we know when to stop? It is only logical that with our ability to prevent the harmful effects of debilitating genes, we will be able to improve on already satisfactory genes. Why should one settle for an average body, when one could have a strong, toned physique? Is that what God would want? Are we prepared to say what is okay to change ... ...n, Jack Albrecht, Rebecca Lawrence, and Brian Guerra. "Hooray for Genetic Engineering." Http://www.cwrl.utexas./genetics/benefits.html. December 18, 1996. O'Brien, Stephen J., and Michael Dean. "In Search of AIDS-Resistance Genes." Scientific American. September 1997: 44-51. Pool, Robert. "Portrait of a Gene Guy." Discover. October 1997: 50-55. Varmus, Harold. "Genetics: The Ethical Problem With Knowledge." Vital Speeches of Our Time. February 5, 1996: 334-337. Wright, Richard T. Biology: Through the Eyes of Faith. San Francisco: Harper Collins Publishers, 1989. Other Helpful Sources Marshal, Elliot. "Whose Genome is it Anyway?" Science. Vol. 273. September 27, 1996: 1788, 1789. Marshal, Elliot. "The Genome Program's Conscience." Science. Vol. 274. October 4, 1996: 488, 489. Niccol, Andrew, Director/Screenplay. GATTACA. Columbia Pictures: 1997.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Community Health Nursing: New Brunswick Essay

A1. Community Description: The city of New Brunswick is located in Middlesex County, New Jersey. New Brunswick is the county seat of Middlesex, located in the sixth Congressional District, and part of New Jersey’s seventeenth state legislative district. The city is centrally located between New York and Philadelphia. It is approximately 40 minutes southwest of New York and 45 minutes northeast of Philadelphia. According to the U.S. Census, the total area of the city is 5.789 square miles; 5.227 square miles of land and 0.562 square miles of water. New Brunswick’s climate is humid and subtropical with considerable rainfall throughout the year. There are warm and humid summers and cold winters. The healthcare industry has played an important role in the city’s economy. New Brunswick has been known as â€Å"The Healthcare City† due to its world-class healthcare system and research facilities. It is home to Saint Peter’s University Hospital, a state-designated child’s hospital and regional perinatal center. It is also home to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, one of the nation’s leading academic health centers, and Central New Jersey’s only level I trauma center. The Cancer Institute of New Jersey, also located in the city, is the only cancer center in the state that has been designated by the National Cancer Institute as a comprehensive care center. Located in downtown New Brunswick is the state university of health sciences, UMDNJ-Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. It is ranked among the top 50 primary care medical schools in the U.S. Also home  to the city is The Bristol-Myers Squibb Children’s H ospital and Johnson & Johnson’s corporate headquarters, which is the world’s sixth largest consumer health company. A2. Data: New Brunswick residents have widely divergent backgrounds. According to the 2012 U.S. Census, the total population of New Brunswick was 55,181 with 14,119 households and 7,751 families. Approximately 50% of the population is Hispanic or Latino, which is the 14th highest percentage in New Jersey ((Mascarenhas, 2011). The population is also made up of 45.4% White, 16% Black or African American, 7.6% Asian, 0.9% Native American, 25.6% from other races, and 4.4% from two or more races. The population under age 18 was 21.1%, ages 18-24 was 33.2%, ages 25-44 was 28.4%, ages 45-64 was 12.2%, and age 65 or older was 5.2%. According to the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau, the city’s median household income was $44,543 with a median family income of $44,455. Approximately 25.8% of the population and 15.5% of families were below the poverty line. This includes 25.4% under age 18 and 16.9% age 65 and over. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 5.2% of the population is unemployed. There was 31.5% of the population without health insurance coverage; 13.7% were under age 18, 43.5% were residents ages 18-64 and employed, and 62.8% were residents 18-64 and unemployed. New Brunswick’s public schools are one of 31 Abbott districts, ensuring that students are receiving education in accordance with New Jersey’s state constitution. Minority enrollment was 99% with Hispanics making up 82% of that. Percentage of economically disadvantage students, based on data reported to the government, was 77%. New Brunswick high school’s academic performance is significantly behind compared to other high schools in the state (NJ Department of Education). According to the NJ Department of Education, in 2012-2013 there were 62 high school dropouts. The 2012 NJ School Performance report revealed substandard academic results in the high school’s proficiency assessments. According to the NJ School Performance report, the dropout rate was 4% and the high school is meeting 0% of its performance target in graduation and postsecondary measures rate. To prepare for disasters, New Jersey has a task force on disaster planning and a guide on emergency preparedness, which was developed by The Middlesex County Public Health Department. These provide information that will help residents prepare for and be ready to respond to emergencies without any warning. The county has planned ahead to help protect the safety and well-being of the community by providing a guidebook and a disaster planning guide. The guidebook provides information on the following: how to develop a family emergency plan, emergency supply kits, pet preparedness, information on shelter, what stations to turn to on the radio and television for notifications, evacuation, emergency preparedness tips, county, state and federal contacts, and other resource contacts and websites for more information. New Jersey has had a plan to reduce effects of a disaster since 1984 which has been re-written in 2011-2012 to form relationships between emergency management agencies and the federal government. The NJ Office of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency offers resources and programs to help communities with disaster aftermath. A4. Interpretation: New Brunswick is known as â€Å"The Health Care City† and home to world-class healthcare system and facilities. The city, however, has shown evidence in the past of health problems that contradict these resources. Key issues revolve around access to health care, cultural and language barriers, and problems obtaining specialty care, and unmet needs of those with mental health. Problems that contribute include poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to quality health care. There is a high percentage of low-income residents without health insurance coverage and may not own their own cars. Standard access issues such as lack of insurance and transportation has posed a problem for residents. Much of the public transportation in the area was limited and did not go from where most of the residents live to specialized health care providers and these services were mostly located outside of the city. While diversity can be an asset, it can also bring about challenges such as potential language barriers. Language barriers in the community were identified, and Spanish was an overwhelmingly predominant one. New Brunswick  has a growing Latino community creating significant barriers to accessing health care. Latinos would be reluctant to seek health care if they are not able to communicate their needs effectively. In addition, receiving and understanding instructions related to treatment and medications can cause problems Mental health issues are another major health problem. Changes in relation to immigration and loss of social support are sources related to depression. Depression in women is often related to problems with alcohol abuse in men as well as domestic violence. These problems can further be related to stress from multiple jobs, long work hours, low wages, and the obligations of supporting family in their home country. Depression can also develop in elderly residents who are isolated as well as those who live in senior buildings. A5. Community Diagnosis: Fortunately, there have been ongoing efforts to improve the health and well-being of the city’s residents. Government and non-government representatives participated in contributing to the development of strategies and resources to improve the health of the community. Health task forces have been established to identify priority health needs and concerns. The task force has conducted surveys that revealed information on the health conditions of New Brunswick residents. Through the collaboration and combined efforts of other organizations, many cost-efficient and time-efficient programs have been offered to residents. Access to care is as a result of lack of insurance, availability of services, and cultural and social barriers. Mental health issues have been statistically difficult to assess because it is not always reported. However, the community is committed to improving the health issues identified and have encouraged residents to participate. The health of the community depends on different factors, including individual behaviors, the environment, education, employment, access to healthcare, and quality of healthcare. A3. Genogram Community Diagnosis For the data assessed, New Brunswick, NJ has made steps in addressing health care needs and concerns of the community. There is an abundance of resources available for the residents of the community. Strategic plans have been created by the community to improve the quality of life through better health. This includes improving access to primary as well as specialty care. Providing information in both English and Spanish to promote knowledge and compliance have been established to cater to the growing diverse population. New Brunswick, New Jersey Healthcare in the Community Middlesex County Health Improvement Plan Rutgers Center for State Health Policy Saint Peter’s University Hospital Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson University Medical School Cultural Assessment Predominantly Hispanics or Latinos Language barriers 25.8% population and 15.5% families below poverty line 31.5% population without health insurance coverage Limited access to specialized care Difficulty assessing mental health issues Population Economic Status Located in Middlesex County, NJ Population 55,181 Predominantly Hispanics Median household income $44,54325 25.8% below poverty line 5.2% reported unemployment rate 31.5% without health insurance coverage Disaster Assessment & Planning NJ Task Force on Disaster Planning Middlesex County Public Health Emergency Preparedness Guide Guidebook and disaster planning guide Family emergency plan NJ Office of Emergency Management and Federal Emergency Management resources References Mascarenhas, R. (2011). _Census data shows Hispanics as the largest minority in N.J._. Retrieved from NJ Department of Education. (n.d.). _Doe data 2012-13 dropouts_. Retrieved from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (n.d.). _Local area unemployment statistics_. Retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division (2014). _Annual estimates of the resident population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2013_ . Retrieved from NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development. (2011). _NJ labor market views_. Retrieved from

Friday, August 16, 2019

Book Analysis: The Hunger Games Essay

In the novel The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins a new country is created. Panem is born in place of North America, were the Hunger Games began. In the Hunger Games, there are 24 tributes. Tributes are people who live in the districts. The tributes in the Hunger Games are all the same. They kill one another and become the Capitols puppets. The tributes become violent, emotionless puppets. Then there is Katniss. Katniss is an excellent hunter and becomes lethal during the games. However, she has not lost her compassion. Katniss does not think of herself as a good person. When in reality she is a good person with a large heart, who puts others before herself. Katniss does many things others will not do in her situation. Whether it is helping her family or helping others. Katniss’ father died in a mining accident when she was eleven (5). Katniss’s mother did not handle it well. She stopped caring for her family. She became a zombie. Katniss had to start caring for her fam ily (26, 27). One day Katniss figured it all out. Katniss thought, â€Å"The first dandelion of the year. A bell went off in my head. I thought of the hours spent in the woods with my father and I knew how we were going to survive† (32). This is when Katniss realizes her family would no longer starve. Katniss knew hunting in district 12 is illegal and the penalty could be death (5). Katniss risks her life. Katniss’s only concern is her family, no matter the danger. The reaping is when a male and female tribute is chosen from each district. When the day of the reaping arrives, a surprise tribute is chosen. Which is Prim Katniss little sister (20). Prim’s name has only been entered once (21). Katniss cannot comprehend what has happened. Her chances were very slim. Katniss exclaims, â€Å"I volunteer! â€Å" I gasp.† I volunteer as tribute† (22). When Katniss goes on stage, everyone is surprised. No one gives applause. Everyone looks devastated. Effie Trinket says,† I bet my buttons that was your sister. Don’t want her to steal all the glory, d o we? Come on, everybody! Let’s give a big round of applause to our newest tribute!† (23). Effie Trinket thinks it is an honor to be chosen. Effie is happy things are more exciting this year. Effie does not understand why Katniss truly volunteered. Unlike others, Katniss cares about more than herself. Katniss was the only volunteer in district 12 others were scared. Katniss will do anything for her sister. This act shows what kind of person she truly is. Katniss will do anything for her family. She often is afraid her actions will harm her  mother and sister. Katniss tries to protect them from life. When Katniss was able to start putting her name in the reaping, she did it often. Katniss tells the reader, â€Å"You can opt to add your name more times in exchange for tesserae. Each tesserae is worth a meager year’s supply of grain and all for one person† (13). To keep her family fed Katniss added her name multiple times. This was the only thing she could do at the time. However, Katniss would not allow Prim to do the same. Prim has only entered her name once and that was because she had to. Katniss tells the reader, â€Å"I protect Prim in every way I can, but I’m powerless against the reaping† (15). Katniss worries about her family multiple times throughout the book. When Katniss is training in the Capitol, she shows off her temper. Katniss is supposed to show her skills to the Gamemakers but they ignore her. They are more interested in their food then her. Katniss then shoots an arrow toward them. The arrow spears the apple, which is in the pig’s mouth. This gets their attention. Katniss runs out and soon regrets her decision. As soon as she realizes what she did, she thinks of her family. Katniss thinks,† What really scares me is what they might do to my mother and Prim, how my family might suffer now because of my impulsiveness† (103). Katniss constantly thinks about her actions. She often wonders how they will affect the ones she loves. Instead of worrying about herself, Katniss worries about others. This could lead to her death or her victory. During the Hunger games, the tributes are supposed to be killing machines. Katniss meets a girl in the games. Her name is Rue and she reminds Katniss of Prim (201). Rue warns Katniss of a tracker jacket nest in the tree. In return, Katniss forms an alliance with Rue. Katniss says,† You know, they’re not the only ones who can form alliances† (200). Alliances in the Hunger Games can be dangerous. Creating an alliance can be your death. Katniss and Rue know their alliance will not last long. For now they decide to share their supplies and enjoy each other’s company (200,201 203). When the night comes Katniss tells Rue,† You can share my sleeping bag if you want. We’ll both easily fit (205). Katniss could tell this was more than Rue expected (205). Rue and Katniss made the perfect alliance, but it ended too soon. Katniss and Rue come up with a plan. While Rue was setting a fire, she was caught in a trap. Katniss was yelling for Rue then she heard Rue scream (231). Katniss went running and saw the boy from district 1 throw a spear through Rue’s stomach (232).  In return, Katniss kills the boy from district 1. Rues last request is for Katniss to sing. Katniss sings Rue â€Å"asleep† (234). Katniss tries to think of a way to respect Rue. Katniss decorates Rues body in flowers (237). Katniss thinks,† I decorate her body in the flowers. Covering the ugly wound. Wreathing her face. Weaving her with bright colors† (237). Katniss wants to show the Capitol they cannot take away Rues humanity or hers. Katniss does not only care about her family and herself but others. Katniss would die for anyone who truly deserves her trust. When the games take a turn, Katniss is surprised. Two people can win, but they have to be from the same district. Katniss hears this and her first reaction is screaming Peetas name (244). Katniss knows Peeta is injured because what Cato and the careers said (247). Katniss knows she will become more vulnerable, but she still has to go after him. After she finds him, Katniss has a bigger problem then she thought. Peeta is very ill and hurt (252-240). The only thing Katniss can do is nurse Peeta back to health. One night Katniss thinks,† I spend the night, refreshing the bandage, and trying not to dwell on the fact that by teaming up with him, I’ve made myself far more vulnerable than when I was alone† (263). Peeta is getting worse and needs medicine. Katniss knows it may be impossible. At this stage in the games, medicine and other supplies are very expensive (265,266). When Katniss gets a chance to go to the Cornucopia, Peeta will not let her (274). Katniss screams,† All right, I am going, and you can’t stop me?† (274). Katniss does not care. She would rather die herself then let Peeta die. While trying to get Peeta medicine she almost dies herself. The female tribute from district two tries to kill her. Katniss makes it back to Peeta and injects him with the medicine before she passes out. After Peeta gets the medicine, they spend some time together. They are relaxing and healing. The two really get to know one another through telling stories. While talking Katniss thinks,† And while I was talking, the idea of actually losing Peeta hit me again and I realized how much I don’t want him to die† (297). Katniss realizes she does not want Peeta to die. Katniss could never imagine him leaving her. Katniss and Peeta decide they have to kill Cato before he can kill them first. When Cato is finally dead, they wait for the trumpets. The trumpets signal their victory. Nothing happens. It turns out the rule has been revoked (342). Now they have to kill one another. Peeta refuses to kill Katniss and Katniss will not kill  Peeta (342-345). Katniss knows she cannot and will not live her live without him (345). Instead, they decide to eat the poison berries. It will kill them both and the Hunger Games will have no winner. The Capitol realizes this and decides there will be two victors. Katniss would rather sacrifice her life to save someone else. Even someone she hardly knows. Katniss is a good person at heart. Katniss may have hunter’s instinct; kill anything or anyone who tries to harm the people she cares about. Katniss would risk her life for them. Even in the games, Katniss would not kill the one person who stood in her way of winning. Katniss shows what matters compassion and her humanity. Katniss shows she is more than apiece in their games (232). Katniss remembers what Peeta said on the Roof. Peeta said,† I don’t want them to change me in there. Turn me into some kind of monster that I’m not† (141). Katniss does not want to lose herself, which she never does. Katniss shows she is a good person by forming alliances and taking care of other tributes. Katniss does not think she is good but she really is even if she cannot see it.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Reaction Paper on Game Theory Essay

Game Theory is undeniably new to me. Its concept is just so brilliant that it made me rethink how I ought to see a business’ road to success. In the past, my key idea of winning in the industry was by toppling down competitors, and rising as the sole survivor in the war. Plainly, it’s a winner-take-all perspective. The real target was to capture the entire market then. After reading the theory and the cases suitably alluded to, realizations came to me that I’m way too far from the wisdom good strategists possess. Way too far from making it to the corporate executives’ seat. Way too far from a business’ lifelong success. For Filipinos, it’s always been a â€Å"here-and-now† match. Typically overlooked are the impacts of strategies in the long run, and how competitors and other players in the game would tend to respond. Game theory offers the notion of coopetition — cooperative and competitive ways to change the game. The primary insight of game theory is focusing on others — namely allocentrism. It further states that the game of business is all about value: creating it and capturing it. Many are the so-called mental traps that must be killed in order that one be set for the game or set to change it. We often think that it’s hard and it’s beyond our competencies to dare change the game, and that we should do just what others do — only in a differently-tailored fashion. We go with the flow and no new routes are shaped to arrive at a better position and standing for us and the other players as well. Just like the Zero-Sum View, we tend to see winning only at the loss of another. Because of these delusions, the scales in our eyes gets even thicker and we finally end up blinded from seeing the bigger picture, the whole game. To be able to use game theory as a tool in strategizing, I recognized that it cannot be used without sufficient knowledge in economics. Given a particular action, the players that get affected and would react are to be properly determined. The cause and effect relationship among them must also be linked as it should be. Rational reasoning and forecasting entails academic competence on the subject to enable you to see the domino effect of your decision to others and back to your company. The business game is really like chess. Sometimes you have to give in or even sacrifice some of your aces to obtain a greater advantage or to make a draw at the very end. At times, you must delay a couple of moves to maintain advantage or stay equal with the opponent just like what Nintendo did. Being egocentric must be done away with and altered to focusing on others to facilitate a win-win situation for both parties. An opponent may retaliate or be unwilling to cooperate in the future if one’s strategy always seeks out the highest payoffs at the cost of the other player. That’s the mindset of Kiwi that kept it alive in the game. Also, you must raise your own added value or lower that of others and consider that the role of every player in the game is not fixed. In spite of its applicable purposes, game theory cannot be said to be the perfect treasure map. There will always be creases that would simply be left out unpressed. Be flexible and ready for changes.

Unit 4222- 264 the Principles of Infection Prevention and Control

| UNIT 4222- 264 THE PRINCIPLES OF INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL | | | | | | | | | |We as health care assistants, such senior health carer , we all have different kinds of roles and | | | | |responsibilities that we have to follow.We have to always be aware of and report changes in the health |264 |1 |1 | |conditions of the individuals that we support. We also have a responsibility to assist with keeping work areas, and| | | | |equipment clean, tidy and free from infection hazards. Related article: Outline Procedures For Infection Control In Own Work Setting in a NurseryWe are also encouraged to maintain good personal hygiene for | | | | |ourselves as well as our service users. For example, helping service users bath, use the toilet and change remove and| | | | |dispose of any soiled clothing. Another responsibility we hold is preparing and maintaining environment before and | | | | |after episodes of patient care. | | | |Following â€Å"Health and Safety Legislation† our employer like other employers must: | | | | |- write and communicate a health and safety policy, including an infection control policy | | | | |- carry out risk assessments to assess infection hazards and risks and ensure that, where possible, infection risks | | | | |are eliminated | | | | |- provide equipment which is safe and properly maintained | | | | |- make sure there are safe systems of work and adequate supervision |264 |1 |2 | |- make sure safety procedures are followed | | | | |- provide a safe working environment | | | |- provide employees with adequate information, training and supervision necessary to ensure their health and safety | | | | |at work | | | | |- provide and maintain any necessary Personal Protective Clothing (PPE), equipment and safety devices free of charge | | | | |-provide adequate welfare facilities to allow employees to maintain good levels of personal hygiene (i. e. proper | | | | |toilet and washing facilities). | | | | | | | | | |Current legislation and regulatory body standards which are relevant to the prevention and infection control are: | | | | |- The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 | | | | |-The Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984.Provides information on the legal requirements for the reporting | | | | |of contagious or infectious diseases | | | | |- Food Safety Act 1990. The requirements of this act apply to any area where food is prepared, stored or eaten. | | | | |Control is required to ensure that the risks of any infection, as a result of bad handling of food, are minimised. | | | | |- Food Hygiene Regulations 1995. These regulations also require that employees who handle food as part of their | | | | |normal duties should also undertake specific food hygiene training. | | | |- Reporting Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995. The employer or manager in control |264 |2 |1 | |of work premises has a responsibility under RIDDOR to report any work related accidents or disease which result in | | | | |serious injury or an employee being â€Å"off sick† due to injury for more than three working days. | | | | |- The Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1998. | | | | |Describe the reporting systems and the types of disease which must be reported. | | | |- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Requires all staff to be provided with adequate and | | | | |appropriate training and a set of working instructions demonstrating â₠¬Ëœsafe working practices' for work related | | | | |activities. | | | | |- Controls Assurance Standards – HSC 2000/02. This standard provides a framework to control and manage infection. | | | | |In our care home are required to ensure effective protection and to minimise the risk of healthcare associated | | | | |infections.Effective prevention and control must be applied consistently by everyone and all staff must demonstrate | | | | |good infection control and hygiene practice. Roles and responsibilities of members of staff in the organisations are:| | | | |personal hygiene requirements, when and how to use personal protective equipment’s, decontaminating equipment, safe | | | | |handling and disposal of clinical waste, managing blood and bodily fluids products and spills, maintaining a clean | | | | |environment, cleaning routines and requirements, how to record and report accidents and incidents. | | | | | | | | |Procedures and systems relevant to the prevention and infection control are: | | | | |-cleaning is a process that removes foreign material from an object. Cleaning is normally accomplished by the use of | | | | |water, mechanical action and detergents. It may be manual or mechanical, using ultrasonic cleaners or | | | | |washer/disinfectors that may facilitate cleaning and decontamination of some items and reduce the need for handling. | | | | |-disinfection is a process that reduces the number of pathogenic icroorganisms from objects or skin, to a level | | | | |which is not harmful to health. Disinfection can be carried out by either thermal or chemical processes. Thermal | | | | |disinfection is preferred whenever possible. It is generally more reliable than chemical processes, leaves no | | | | |residues, is more easily controlled and is non-toxic. | | | | |-decontamination of equipment and the environment is a process which removes or destroys microorganisms to render an | | | | |object safe for use.It includes cleaning, disin fection and sterilisation. |264 |2 |2 | |-sterilisation is a process that destroys all microorganisms including bacterial spores. Sterilisation is | | | | |accomplished principally by steam under pressure (autoclaving), dry heat, by ethylene oxide gas or low temperature | | | | |steam and formaldehyde. | | | | |The outbreak of an infection within a care home can have serious consequences for people who come into contact with | | | | |contaminated person and also for the entire organization.An individual who acquire an infection will require medical| | | | |treatment or antibiotic therapy, if the individual does not take medical treatment it may be risk of spread of the | | | | |infection in that entire care home. Some infections may require the patient to be isolated from others to help | | | | |prevent and control the spread of infections, for example infection chest. | | | | | | | | | |In my opinion risk is the probability that an event will occur.We can say that: a person may be at risk when there | | | | |is the chance to be injured, to cause harm, to become infected of a desease or something that can put your life in |264 |3 |1 | |danger. A hazard can cause harm or adverse effects to individuals as health effects or to organizations as property | | | | |or equipment losses. | | | | | | | | | |Me like care worker, I can be exposed to various potential infection within the workplace. These include the most | | | | |common infections like: colds, flu, diarrhoea, vomiting.We, carers assistants often come into contact with clients | | | | |blood and body fluids, which can cause greater infections risks and may include also the risk of acquiring hepatitis | | | | |or HIV, scabies ,this last one can be spread by touch. | | | | |We are also exposed to infections spread through the air, such as tuberculosis and swine flu, ,this are quite rare. | | | | |Other airborne infections such as streptococcal infections are more common and can lead to sore throats and raise d | | | | |temperature. | | | | |A a care worker, I can be a source o infection to the people I provide care for, because these people are at an | | | | |increased risk of acquiring an infection.In this cause I must to take precautions to minimize the risk of cross | | | | |infection. | | | | |Even if I only have a common cold, I must to check my care home ‘s sickness policy and to inform my manager if I am | | | | |sick . | | | | |The process of carrying out a risk assessment content 5 steps: | | | | |Step 1 Identify the hazards | | | | |Step 2 Decide who might be harmed and how | | | |Step 3 Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions | | | | |Step 4 Record findings and implement them | | | | |Step 5 Review assessment and update if necessary |264 |3 |2 | |A risk assessment is one of the most important assessments. The measures put in place to reduce the potential harm | | | | |from these risks, for example ensuring adequate PPE is available for staff to use. | | | |Under th e â€Å" Health and Safety at Work Act 1974†, all employers have a legal responsibility to protect the health and | | | | |safety of their employees and anyone else using the work place, in care homes this would include clients, friends and| | | | |family. The risk assessment is one of the most important assessment an employer can undertake to protect these people| | | | |as well as their organisation’s reputation. The assessment identifies the risks in the workplace and the measures | | | | |put in place to reduce the potential harm from these risks, ex. ensuring adequate PPE is available for staff to use. | | | |Failure to undertake a risk assessment is illegal because put at risk the health and safety of all people who is |264 |4 |1 | |inside of care home, especially the most vulnerable, the residents who are living there and about we are providing | | | | |care for. | | | | | | | | | |Personal protective equipment (PPE) is used by us, health care assistants to prot ect us and also the people who | | | | |receive care from harm, to protect our skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth from exposure to blood | | | | |or other potentially infectious body fluids or materials and to avoid contact. All PPE should be removed when |264 |4 |2 | |leaving the resident care area. | | | |The different types of PPE used in care health are: | | | | |- Uniform – is important to wear the uniform only at work place to reduce the risk of infections. The uniform should | | | | |be clean every day and should be changed if become soiled. | | | | |-Gloves – prevent gross contamination of the hands when touching body fluids; reduce the likelihood that | | | | |microorganisms present on the hands of personnel will be transmitted to an individual during invasive or other | | | | |individual care procedures.Gloves may have small, unapparent defects or may be torn during use, and hands can become| | | | |contaminated during removal of gloves ha nd hygiene is essential before donning another pair of gloves. | | | | |- Aprons – protect the uniform from becoming soiled during wound care or toileting the resident. Should be placed | | | | |over the uniform before activities involving body fluids. Blue aprons when feeding a resident, white aprons for | | | | |toileting, bath and wound care. | | | | |- Masks – should be used when microorganisms might be present in the air.Visors can be attached to provide full face| | | | |protection; | | | | |-Goggles – protect eyes; | | | | |-Hats |264 |4 |3 | |-Visors | | | | |-Face shields – protect face, mouth, nose and eyes; | | | |- Shoes – every employer require a type and colour of shoes. The shoes must be comfortable and do not have high heels| | | | |or opened toe. | | | | |Any PPE equipment used must be handled correctly to be efficient. Before to use any PPE equipment we need to wash | | | | |properly our hands. | | | | |Important key points about PPE:-done before contact with the client,-use carefully , don’t spread the | | | | |infection,-remove and discard carefully, and immediately wash your hands properly. | | | |Gloves -we must used them from â€Å"clean to dirty† |264 |4 |4 | |-limit opportunities for† touch contamination†, protect us, others and | | | | |the environment | | | | |-don’t touch our faces or adjust PPE with contaminated gloves | | | | |-don’t touch environment surfaces except as necessary during client | | | | |care | | | | |-change gloves during use if torn and heavily soiled, even during use on | | | | |the same client; | | | | |-discard in appropriate receptacle, never wash or reuse disposable | | | | |gloves. | | | | |Under Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, it is made clear that if items of PPE are required, then they must be | | | | |provided free by the employer. Under same Act, are specific regulations which specifically address PPE, this are: | | | |-Perso nal Protective Equipment at Work Regulation 2002 | | | | |-Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 |264 |5 |3 | |-Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002(COSHH) | | | | |The responsibility regarding the use of PPE is in section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and impose all| | | | |care workers to take responsible care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their| | | | |acts or omissions at work, in our case ,our residential clients. | | | |The important responsibilities include: | | | | |-attending training provided by the employer relating to how to use PPE | | | | |-using PPE in accordance with training |264 |5 |2 | |-taking responsible care of all PPE provided by the employer | | | | |-returning PPE to the correct storage accommodation provided for it after use | | | | |- reporting to the employer any loss or obvious defect as soon as possible. | | | | |Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 197 4, employers have the responsibility to ensure, as far as possible the | | | | |health, safety and welfare at work.Employers have a duty of care under the Personal Protective Equipment at Work | | | | |Regulations 2002: | | | | |-properly assessing the need for PPE and assessing PPE before it is used to ensure it is suitable | | | | |-providing free PPE to employees | | | | |-ensuring PPE are maintained and stored properly | | | | |-providing employees with adequate information, instruction and/or training on its use. | | | | |-ensuring employees follow the training provide and that they use the PPE provided. | | | |When removing its recommended to avoid touching as much is possible to reduce the risk of transferring pathogenic | | | | |organisms. Washing should be at a temperature at least 60 degree and separately from other cloths. Gloves should be | | | | |applied on clean, dry hands and ensure there are no holes and tears and is the correct size. When remove gloves grab | | | | |the cuff one glove with the opposite hand, while still holding the removed glove pull of the second by holding the | | | | |cuff and pulling down over hand, dispose gloves and wash hands.Aprons should be applied over uniform and after use | | | | |removed carefully do not touching the front of the apron. The apron will end up securely enclosed in the gloves and | | | | |disposed. Masks should be removed by untying the bottom tie then the top tie and moving it away from face by holding | | | | |the ties, after dispose it. Visors should be removed sliding the visor up and away from face. Should be cleaned and |264 |5 |1 | |decontaminated as appropriate and then dried. Shoes should be cleaned and decontaminated as required. | | | |Masks, hats, gloves and aprons are classed as clinical wastes are regarded as high risk items. They must be disposed | | | | |carefully to reduce the risk of cross infection. When removing PPE avoid touching the contaminated surface, remove | | | | |the item s before moving to the next resident, place the items in the correct waste containers ready for collection, | | | | |decontaminate equipment such as visors and return them to their correct storage accommodation, inform manager if any | | | | |PPE is damaged or stock levels are low. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |As a care assistant I’m a model and need to set a good example because I have a vital role to play in the prevention | | | | |and control of infection and this start with my own personal hygiene, daily body hygiene, baths or showers, washing | | | | |hands when appropriate, keep clean hair and tied up if is long, wear clean cloths, uniform, clean nails and | | | | |well-trimmed free from polish, remove jewellery except small earrings and wedding ring. | | | |Hand-washing is the single most important aspect of prevention and control of infection and nevertheless the most | | | | |neglected practice. A good hand washing reduce the risk of cross infection and also can signif icantly reduce the | | | | |presence of pathogenic organisms on the hands. | | | | |As well, an effective hand washing technique aims to remove dirt, organic material and pathogenic organisms such as | | | | |those found in blood, faeces and respiratory secretions like expectoration. |264 |5 |4 | |After we washed our hands, it’s very important as well to dry them with absorbent disposable paper towels. | | | |The correct sequence for hand washing is: | | | | |I Rub palm to palm | | | | |II Rub palm over back of hand, fingers interlaced | | | | |III Palm to palm fingers interlaced | | | | |IV Fingers interlocked into palm |264 |5 |5 | |V Rotational rubbing of thumb clasped into palm | | | | |VI Rotational rubbing of clasped fingers into palm. | | | |Hand washing should be carried out: | | | | |-before putting on a clean uniform or PPE, | | | | |-before any aseptic procedure, | | | | |-after resident contact, | | | | |-after removing PPE, | | | | |-after using the toilet, | | | | |-before eating, handling food, | | | | |-after finishing work. | | | |The types of products should be used for hand washing: |264 |5 |6 | |- General hand washing soap used for routine hand wash has minimal ability to destroy microorganisms and is useful to| | | | |remove dirt, grease and loosely adhered microorganisms. | | | | |- Disinfectant hand wash is commonly used in clinical areas for clinical purposes. | | | | |-Surgical scrub solutions- used for antiseptic procedures, these solutions can lead to dry skin and irritations. | | | | |- Alcohol gel used where sinks and soap is unavailable immediately after contact with patient. | | | |Correct procedures that relate to skin care are: maintaining healthy skin, maintaining body hygiene, apply | | | | |moisturising cream, do not use a substance unless it is identified, always read the label on a product before use it,| | | | |wear the correct gloves for the task and as instructed, never wear gloves which are torn or share gloves with another| | | | |person, wash hands after removing gloves, report immediately to the manager any: skin irritation or puncture wounds, | | | | |cuts or abrasions which occur at work and obtain first aid if necessary, cover cuts and wounds with a waterproof | | | | |self-adhesive plaster when at work and change it at least daily. | | | | |264 |5 |7 | | | | | | |Sources: | | | | | | | | | |http://www. wales. nhs. uk/sites3/Documents/739/RCN%20infection%20control. doc. pdf | | | | |http://www. markedbyteachers. com/as-and-a-level/healthcare/describe-the-roles-and-responsibilities-of-staff-in-relatio| | | | |n-to-infection-prevention-and-control-in-a-health-or-social-care-workplace. tml | | | | |-â€Å"Health and Social Care Level 2 Diploma† – book | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |